Sunday, September 11, 2005

Officially Unofficial

Well, the day is came. I'm unofficially 50% of my way through my five-year plan, and with 3 years left in it. (listening to "Meeting Shatner," by Ben Folds)

So, it's all saturday and whatever, and I'm completely bored. I take a late nap, talk to Biggy for a while, and I leave my usual Saturday appointment: Comedy Sportz.

As I get there and stand in line for my ticket, one of the guys working the door who I've talked to and know fairly well motions for me to just come in. I figure he thinks it doesn't matter if I get a ticket or not, since I get in for free whenever, and it is close to show time. So, I come in, and when I get to the door to the theatre, he tells me to wait. Hmm. Wait for what?

I'm there for all of two seconds when Doug, the artistic director of CSz comes out and pulls me aside. He tells me they've had someone who couldn't come in, and they were shorthanded to begin with, and then asks me if I'd like to play some Comedy Sportz tonight. Boy... Would I.

I suit up and take the field as a member of the blue team under captain Nica Halula. We took on the team of Captain Cory Brooks and Halsey Lundquist of the St. Paul Fire, and, unfortunately, lost a barn-burner that went until the final game, 27-21. Nica was patient with me, teaching me what I needed to know in order to make it all work, and for my first official show with the Minneapolis CSz team... it went exceptionally well. I wish any of you could have been there to see it.

More will come, and I'm still set up for the show on September 29th. So, please make reservations for that show. I don't know if Doug was pleased with my performance enough to consider making me a permanent member of the team, but he did say that he was impressed for my first show. I will keep you all updated, as this is a rather big deal for me.

Thanks to all, and stay tuned!


nobody's starling said...

wish i could be there for you on the big night. but i'll be thinking of you---and drinking as if i were there.

jeremyorion said...

I still say you should transfer to the CSz here in "The Good Land". You know...we have excellent cheese here.

Ang said...

yes yes, congrats to you. i wish i could have been there. only a matter of time till you are performing every week. have i not always known it? has not everyone always known it?
very proud.
good for you.