Friday, October 27, 2006

Anything With the Word Revenge in the Title

is a sequel. (listening to: "Revenge of the Nerds" theme song)

My 75th post! Huttah!

My grand return from Vegas occurs and finds me just over $700 happier than when I left. As I'm told, I may be the youngest person ever to win money playing Keno. For those of you who don't know the game, allow me to explain. You start playing Keno on a card that has every number from 1 - 80. You choose any combination of 1-10 spots on the card. When you've finished, the computer will "randomly" pull out 20 numbers. You are paid on the number of matches. At the time of my "jackpot," I was playing 6 numbers, and hit all 6. The odds of which, by the way, are 7752:1. Suffice to say, it was a very good trip. This means:

Nintendo Wii - PAID IN FULL
Final Fantasy XII - PAID IN FULL
Guitar Hero 2 w/Wireless Guitar - PAID IN FULL
Metroid 3 - PAID IN FULL
And about $300 left over. What shall I do with it all??? What a delicious question.

So, Vegas was fantastic. Finally got a chance to see the Pussycat Dolls perform live at Pure, an event two years in the making. It was a great show, but not quite what I was hoping for. Perhaps I had built it up too much in my head? In any event, I was tossed a lovely satin souvenir, courtesy of the Las Vegas Dolls. Thank YOU, ladies.

What else has happened since my last post... hrmmm... unfortunately, most of my time has been taken up with work out there in the desert.

Well, since this is my 75th post, I should recognize the people who got me here. Hit my links on the right since they're there, but there are a few who deserve special recognition.

Orion - For showing me blogspot in the first place and nearly literally giving birth to the Signs of Life.
Zoltan - For demanding that I continue to chronicle those signs when I nearly bowed out a year ago.
Daisy - For always checking up here, and continuing to be a presence.

Thank you, and here's to three more years, at least!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Something Zoltan Would Most Definitely Like

This is a re-post from another site. This one goes out to Flash Gordon, Ricky Beeman, Rocket J. Squirrel and Jesus Christ, all who were created by us, and who all ranked in the 90's. (listening to: The John Madden NFL rap from Madden 2002)

For those of you who don't know already, this letter is from Washington Redskins lineman Ethan Albright to John Madden. In Madden's newest cookie-cutter-off-the-line-every-year-so-I-can-line-my-pockets-with-gold video game, Mr. Albright is rated the lowest-ranking player in the NFL. Yeah, behind every kicker and backup special teams player currently on NFL rosters, Mr. Albright is ranked dead last. Here's what he has to say on the subject. (Be forewarned, the language befits a man thusly shunned.)

To: John Madden
CC: Electronic Arts Sports
From: Ethan Albright
Re: Being the worst rated player on Madden ‘07

Hi, John, my name is Ethan Albright. I play line for the Washington Redskins. You probably already knew that, so I’ll continue. I am writing in regards to the overall player rating of 53 that I have received in Madden NFL Football 2007. I feel that this is fucking bullshit and you should kiss my mother-fucking ass. Ahmed Carroll was rated a 78 and the Packers just cut his ass on a Tuesday morning after his performance in a Monday night game. That is pretty terrible. The worst part is that his overall rating was sniffing 80.

You know what, John? Two can play this game. I rate you a fucking 12. I rate you a fucking 12 in Ethan Albright Football 2000-ever… except for in the category of ball-licking. That is where I will spot you a 98 rating. You will receive this score because I will never give your blubbery ass a 99 in any category. Take that, pencil-dick. Go do Al Micheals or something. Boom. Score one for Red Beard.

It’s also pretty wonderful that my awareness rating was 59. You make it sound like I wake up in the morning, helplessly shit and piss myself, then lose three of my teeth before I discover that I am trying to eat a rock for breakfast. Fuck, John, I understand you saying that I am slow and lacking athleticism, but a rating like this pretty much labels me as retarded. Rod “He Hate Me” Smart has a 52 in this category. Electronic Arts is saying that seven rating points separate me and the breathing embodiment of the perfect oxymoron. Rod Smart struggled to arrange words in sentence form. Cave men had better hold of the English language. The only actions that separate point values of ignorance at this embarrassing level are things like using your own toothbrush to wipe your ass. I basically edged out Rod by my lack of shit teeth. If I take a night school class, could you bump me up to a 60?

I guess I just can’t fathom the fact that I am the absolute worst player rated out of the entire NFL. Fuck, man, there are some shitty guys out there. Amongst everyone, I was rated the absolute worst.

I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success. My agility rating on your game is 33. It makes it sound like I just topple over if I start walking too fast. Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he’d look just like Jabba the Hut.

John, you are such a fucking dick. I also noticed that my kick return rating was a 0. I was rated a fucking zero? So you feel that I shouldn’t even receive a 10, or even a 5? You are pretty much saying that I couldn’t even fall forward on a ball kicked in my direction. I would just stand there and let the ball bounce off of my fucking face. Fuck that, John, I returned an onside kick 6 yards in 2002. You should have just slapped a - 4 on me and had the EA staff ambush me with paintball guns.

Finally, I would like to comment on an unlikely topic, my pass coverage ratings. I see that I am a better at man-to-man coverage (31) than zone (21). Fuck me sideways with a lunchbox. Where did these scores even come from? How much time is spent coming up with the pass coverage ratings of offensive lineman? Can I have that job? Let’s see here, I think that Orlando Pace would be slightly better at jumping intermediate routes than Larry Allen. While I’m at it, I can assign the passing ratings for offensive lineman as well. I can use mine as a guide.

I was rated with a throwing power of 17 and accuracy of 16. Orlando Pace has a 22 power and 17 accuracy rating. Did someone at EA really put time into figuring out that Orlando Pace edges out Ethan Albright in both throwing power and accuracy? I will challenge him any day. My horrible passer ratings are of greatest misfortune to my son, Red Beard Jr. The poor boy is not only hideously ugly and covered by freakishly large freckles. He also has to suffer through playing catch with me and my senile-elderly-woman-type passer ratings. A session of tossing the pigskin usually consists of me missing my son by thirty yards in sporadic directions. I led him in front of a fire truck once and my wife kicked my ass. This is because of my 76 toughness rating. Yes, a 76 is far better than the other ratings, but I’m a fucking lineman, damn it. NFL Linemen are considered to be synonymous with toughness. According to your game, I am a retarded, uncoordinated, pussy-ass fuckwad that can’t fall on a kickoff, throw, or spell. I am, however, slightly better at manning up on a receiver than dropping into zone coverage. You lose your mind more and more each year, old man.

Fuck you, John. Please expect to find red pubes in various meals you consume for the rest of your life. If you fuck with Ethan Albright, you call down the thunder.

Rot in Hell,

Ethan Albright
Original Story Here

Amen, Mr. Albright. Amen.


edit: A Rollercoaster BLOODBATH, courtesy of Kotaku

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Vegas, Baby

Vegas. (listening to: "A Little Less Conversation (a little more action)" by Elvis

Vegas. Year Two. Twice the fun at half the cost. Last year, the goal was to go to Vegas, and come back with enough money to buy an iPod. And I did. Right now, Vegas is my bitch to the tune of $300 or so. This year, the stakes are being raised.

I have a Wii preorder that needs paying for as well as a FEW games coming out very soon that need paying for. Let's break it down.

Nintendo Wii - $250
Red Steel - $50
Final Fantasy XII - $60
Guitar Hero 2 - $80
TOTAL: $440
- Money already spent preordering
= $375.

Let's round it up to an even figure and let's make it $400. I'm going to take $400 off of Vegas this year, and be in gaming bliss because of it.

In other news, I've got a PR shoot tonight for The Mousetrap. That's right, for those of you out there who get PR shill from TRP, you're going to see my ugly mug on your postcards. In advance, I'm sorry. But, it's great publicity for me, so I'll take it. With happiness.

So, blogger denizens, I apologize if this is the last update for a week or so, I promise to write more when I'm richer. In both life and cash. That is all.


Friday, October 13, 2006

Hat Trick!

Refers to three days, three posts. Don't get used to this, people... (listening to: "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" by Panic! at the disco)

Two interesting and fun things happened in the last 24 hours. Shall I reveal them both to you? Chronological order? Very well.

I went to see Shadowlands at TRP last night. WONDERFUL. Here's my review:

I wish that I had remembered to bring my program to work today so I could use actor names, but I didn't, so bear with me.

The show starts out with Lewis lecturing on the topic of God and suffering. His demeanor is academic, but somehow open and welcoming. The conceit for the whole show is that we keep coming back to this same lecture. We come back to it right after intermission, and he briefly jumps back into that world at the very end of the show. It's a neat conceit, and it works fairly well. Unfortunately, it's the only "transition" that does. Many of the transitions between scenes are roadmapped very clearly, but it's impossible to tell how much time has gone by. This may be a fault of the script (which has its absolutely brilliant moments), but it didn't really bother me at all until towards the end of the show when one character asks CS Lewis if it was worth it, and he responds, "Three years of happiness?" That was like someone slapping me across the face. Three years?!?! Where the hell did three years go? What else did I miss? It's a jarring moment that leaves an audience member wondering just how much of Lewis' life we've been watching over the last 120 minutes.

Fortunately, this is the only conceit that put me off. The staging was well done, alhough there was a lot I missed because I was sitting in E. I kept thinking, am I the only one who can't see this moment? And yes, I was. The moments I really wanted to enjoy were available to nearly every other section. I just picked a bad place to sit. The pacing of the first half is generally good, with lots going on for us to pay attention to.

The woman playing Joy, I understand, was a last-minute replacement for the original cast member. Last night, she came on and seemed to be very wooden, and very methodical in her delivery. Each word was deliberately pronounced, and it seemed like she was being careful just get the lines out rather than play her character. However, after about 10 minutes or so, she warmed up, and I never felt like she was swimming against the current for the rest of the night. In fact, towards the end of the show, I was so completely in the palm of her hand, it seemed like there were two different actors there. The acting tour de force (always wanted to use that phrase) between her and Lewis in the second act was palpable, and the 55-minute second half flew by in a mess of tears and heartwarming moments.

There were a couple weak links in the cast, but all in all Lewis, Joy, Riley and Mornay (i think.. GOD, I wish I had my program with me) are Atlasian in carrying the show through tougher moments. As a fan of CS Lewis and his life's work, I may have enjoyed this show more than most. But it's a very touching commentary on why we suffer in this life, and where God is when it hurts. Turns out, He's right there, we're just not sure what He's doing about it.

Yes, folks, it was that good. Overall, I give it 4.5 Madjai's out of five.

I got mii a Wii preorder. I know, right? Here's the story.

KR agreed to wait out in the cold at my local EB Games this morning because she's an amazing person who does nice things for mii that I don't deserve. (Mii singing her praises was part of the deal.) Shii only agreed to do it because it was a good character study for her, what with the mass amount of giiks who would CAMP OUT not to get the actual system, but only to PRiiORDER it. Plus, I told her shii could play my DS in line with the other giiks. This, shii siimed to like. The store opened at 10am, and they had 14 Wii's to sell. I told her to bii there at 9:15. This turned out to bii 75 minutes too late. Alas. No Wii this year.

I immiidiately got on the phone to all my local EBii stores and tried to find one that was still priiordering. After an hour, I found one that was. Hii told mii to hurrii and get there quicklii so that hii still had one for mii when I got there. I did, and hii did, and wii did a little dance of happiiness.

So, I will be getting a Wii on November 17th, day of Launch. Which, I just riialized is the opening night of my show... miining that I won't bii able to play with my Wii until verii late that night. Sadness.

**End of over-used "ii" substitutions for "e" sounds.**

Now I find myself thinking... what if people want to touch my Wii? Should I let them? I mean... it's MY Wii. Will they be gentle with my Wii? What if they want to hold my Wii too long? Should I ask them to stop? Will that be embarassing for me or them? I mean, I know that no one has the right to touch my Wii without my permission, but... I want to be nice, right? Maybe I'll let them touch my Wii for just a little bit, and then ask them politely to stop. But, at the same time, I know that when you get your hands on a Wii, it's hard to stop without finishing. I don't want to be called a Wii-tease.

Please. Help me. How should I let people handle my Wii?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Making A Concerted Effort

To blog more. (listening to: War Pigs by Black Sabbath... see previous post)

So, scroll down to see if you've missed anything in the latest hurricane-like frenzy.

I updated the look and feel of my blog today. Hope you like it. Notice the new set of links on the right to my favorite webcomics. As soon as I figure out how to add a link to a Podcast, I'm going to do that as well.

I noticed that when I changed my blog over, I've been blogging for nearly two years now. That's two years, as many jobs, 5 shows, and innumerable dramatic catastrophes. In that vein, I've decided that while I adore the quote above from 1984, I'd like to update it as a part of my fall cleaning. If anyone has any ideas that fit the overall tone of this blog, I'd love to use a new quote up there. I'd prefer it to be an excerpt from a book, though a song lyric isn't out of the question either. Something you think reminds you all of me, while still proclaiming my last few shreds of pretention that I like to hang on to. The gates are open. Make it so.

In other news, rehearsals for my next show are going very well. I enjoy working in that space, and the rest of the cast is great. Except for the actress who plays Miss Casewell. I think she and I are going to have to fight before the run is over. Which is too bad. It really is.

Going to Vegas in a couple weeks for work. So, hopefully I'll have pictures to post of things that I did there that WON'T get me in trouble. Everything else will stay safely undocumented.

KR came back to the cities last night after her extended absence in Chicago. Her show with Redmoon was a fantastical journey through a magical orchard in the deep crimson and gold autumn. (My words, not PR schill) The show had a lot going on, and easily filled the three hours allotted, and the only gripe I had with the whole evening was that I wanted a plot line. It was basically an art gallery that you wandered through, except that it was outside, and you didn't have plaques next to each artist telling you what the hell was going on. You just observed, and enjoyed it at face value. Which I did. I guess I'm just a little too left-brained for my own good sometimes.
Nevertheless, KR was fantastic both on stilts and on land, and only dropped one lemon and a telephone the night I was there. So, if you see her, tell her "good show." Even if you weren't there. She deserved it.

Alright. That's that for the day. I'm at work, so I should probably look busy... er.

(how i'm thinking about ending all my posts now...)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Generals Gathered in Their Masses

... just like witches at black masses. (listening to: A choir of heavenly angels, proclaiming in loud, trumpeting voices: "Go Tell it on the Mountain.")

And who am I to argue with what is clearly, a gift from the Lord Iehovah (original latin spelling, for my Indy fans).

Well folks... Kotaku released a story today about everyone's favorite game. And more importantly, they dished out the ENTIRE track list. And,




Let's get right to it, shall we?

1. Opening Licks
Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
Danzig - Mother
Cheap Trick - Surrender
Wolfmother - Woman
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight

2. Amp-Warmers
Kiss - Strutter
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
Police - Message in a Bottle
Van Halen - You Really Got Me
Kansas - Carry on [my] Wayward Son

3. String-Snappers
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Alice in Chains - Them Bones
Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and Destroy
Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys
Black Sabbath - War Pigs

4. Thrash and Burn
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night
Mat[t]hew Sweet - Girlfriend
Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

5. Return of the Shred
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Primus - John the Fisherman
Sword - Freya
Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation
Aerosmith - Last Child

6. Relentless Riffs
Heart - Crazy on You
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
Allman Brothers - Jessica
Jane's Addiction - Stop

7. Furious Fretwork
Anthrax - Madhouse
Living End - Carry Me Home
Lamb of God - Laid to Rest
Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout
Rush - YYZ

8. Face-Melters
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

That's right folks. Bask in the glory. Is that Spinal Tap I see there?? Oh, yes... this is the day that the Lord has made, and you will certainly rejoice and be glad in it. LOOK AT THAT.

Songs I will rockstar-kick-your-ass at:
Police - Message in a Bottle
Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Black Sabbath - WAR PIGS (OMGWTFBBQ!!!11!!)
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Rush - YYZ
wait.. wait just a second.. is that.. Scrolls up to look

It IS!

Ladies And Gentlemen: Lynyrd Skynyrd - FREEBIRD.

That's it.. Good night, Minneapolis, we love you.
*Sets fire to guitar and amps, and leaves the stage*