Greetings and Bienvenue! (listening to: My page hit count go way up)
Apparently, getting to know a fabulous blogger and all around good-person like Hedy goes a long way towards increasing your traffic. Well, fine by me.
Welcome to the Wiiman's blog. Take a look around, and if you like what you see, well... umm.. good for you. I'd shake your hand, but.. you know, Internet.
I'm currently looking for new music to listen to since Orion thought it would be supercool to bring me FIVE DISCS of new music, but nothing to decode it with. So, if you've got a favorite band that you think no one has heard of (OMG!! They're the r0xx0rz! I heard of them B4 they sold out! RECOGNIZ3!), let me know, and I promise not to be their downfall.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas
Season's Greetings to each and every one of you. (listening to: "It's a Wonderful Life" Seriously. I really am.)
Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm thinking of you as the snow (doesn't) fall(s) wherever you are.
I hope that this holiday finds you happy, fulfilled, warm, and full of love from those nearest to you, and those you love as well. I hope that the next year gives you everything you seek for those of you making large moves, and those of you staying where you are. Faith, Hope and Love be with you all. But the greatest of these is Love.
Be well.
Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm thinking of you as the snow (doesn't) fall(s) wherever you are.
I hope that this holiday finds you happy, fulfilled, warm, and full of love from those nearest to you, and those you love as well. I hope that the next year gives you everything you seek for those of you making large moves, and those of you staying where you are. Faith, Hope and Love be with you all. But the greatest of these is Love.
Be well.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
A Blast From the Past
Listening to: Pick of Destiny Soundtrack, Tenacious D.
My Score: $3,560
My score: $2,660
YOU don't know Jack, do you?
You should. This was easily my favorite non-single player computer game growing up. They now have new DAILY questions. Enjoy.
My Score: $3,560
My score: $2,660
YOU don't know Jack, do you?
You should. This was easily my favorite non-single player computer game growing up. They now have new DAILY questions. Enjoy.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
The Next Gen Has Indeed Arrived
Monday, December 11, 2006
Official Anger
And I don't even refer to what I do as a "craft." (listening to: "Song for the Dumped" by Ben Folds Five)
So, KR and I went to go see Tartuffe last night at Jeune Lune. But first, some back story. Set the Wayback Machine for spring of 1999.
A young (and significantly less attractive) Madjai goes on a school field trip with his classmates to go see a play by Moliere called Tartuffe at Jeune Lune. It has the single most interesting entrance of a main character EVER, and is generally speaking the best thing this young man has ever seen with his own eyes. (It would be later this summer that he was to see his first breast in person. Just the one, though... not a pair.) Steven Epp plays Tartuffe with creepy, delicious evil in his eyes, and the entire cast is spot on in their portrayals of desperate family members. (For a plot summary, think "What About Bob," except in reverse, and evil.) This young man, who has already dabbled in acting, is now set. He wants to be an actor.
Now, last night, the show is almost exactly the same. The same actors (mostly) portray the same roles, and it's every bit as good as it was 7 years ago. Madjai is transported to a better time and place, and reminded again, why he is desperate to act for the rest of his life.
And then, the world comes crashing down. After a well-deserved standing ovation, the cast basks in our admiration for a while, and then one of the lead actors (name withheld to protect the asshole) motions for the audience to sit down. "May I have your attention for just a few moments..."
Now, in my head, I'm thinking, "Oh, he's going to thank us for coming out to see live theatre in Minneapolis. Good for him." I look around, and the just-over-300 seat theatre is nearly-full. Only the back section is mostly-empty, and I deduce that there are about 250 people here. A GREAT turnout for a Sunday night in the cities. But, Lead-Actor is moving on with his speech...
"We need your help." My ears perk up. Open Auditions?? Ushering for free tickets?? I'm yours. Tell me.
"If you'll look around, you'll notice that there are empty seats around you." My heart falls into my stomach. Oh No... Don't do this...
"We need your help as audience members to help us fill this house. We can't continue to bring you wonderful, provocative theatre without your financial support. Please, on your way out, take a blue form..." But I've already stopped listening. Or, rather, my ears are burning a bit too much to actually hear what he's saying.
Look, I'm no theatre snob. I don't consider what I do to be all that difficult, and I've never called it a "craft." or a "trade" or any of that. (Yes, I consider it art, but that's as far as I go.) But to stand there, on your multi-thousand dollar stage in your amazingly detailed and wonderful costumes and look out at 250 people who paid $24 EACH to see your show on a work night and tell them that it's OUR responsibility to fill those last 50 seats so you can put an extra $1,200 in your pocket is beyond reason.
There are DOZENS of theatre companies here in the cities who would KILL for a THIRD of your house, at HALF your ticket prices. And you have the balls to stand up there and put your "financial woes" on US?? And not only that, but to guilt us into by making us feel like if I don't bring 5 people to the next show, that I'm not doing my part for art in the cities?
I don't mind the "tell your friends to see theatre" speeches that some theatres give. Generally, I'm all for them. Please, Please, PLEASE go see theatre. And, my guess is that an audience member in general probably wasn't offended by that little speech. But as an actor, and one who doesn't get paid enough to live on acting (as YOU do, sir), I was VERY fucking offended. You are not the only company doing great work in this town, you're part of a community, a family. And we need your help, not your hubris. Take your 250 audience members and THANK them for supporting you. And we'll thank our 30. Let's all remember we're on the same team, alright?
*flips bird, drops mic*
So, KR and I went to go see Tartuffe last night at Jeune Lune. But first, some back story. Set the Wayback Machine for spring of 1999.
A young (and significantly less attractive) Madjai goes on a school field trip with his classmates to go see a play by Moliere called Tartuffe at Jeune Lune. It has the single most interesting entrance of a main character EVER, and is generally speaking the best thing this young man has ever seen with his own eyes. (It would be later this summer that he was to see his first breast in person. Just the one, though... not a pair.) Steven Epp plays Tartuffe with creepy, delicious evil in his eyes, and the entire cast is spot on in their portrayals of desperate family members. (For a plot summary, think "What About Bob," except in reverse, and evil.) This young man, who has already dabbled in acting, is now set. He wants to be an actor.
Now, last night, the show is almost exactly the same. The same actors (mostly) portray the same roles, and it's every bit as good as it was 7 years ago. Madjai is transported to a better time and place, and reminded again, why he is desperate to act for the rest of his life.
And then, the world comes crashing down. After a well-deserved standing ovation, the cast basks in our admiration for a while, and then one of the lead actors (name withheld to protect the asshole) motions for the audience to sit down. "May I have your attention for just a few moments..."
Now, in my head, I'm thinking, "Oh, he's going to thank us for coming out to see live theatre in Minneapolis. Good for him." I look around, and the just-over-300 seat theatre is nearly-full. Only the back section is mostly-empty, and I deduce that there are about 250 people here. A GREAT turnout for a Sunday night in the cities. But, Lead-Actor is moving on with his speech...
"We need your help." My ears perk up. Open Auditions?? Ushering for free tickets?? I'm yours. Tell me.
"If you'll look around, you'll notice that there are empty seats around you." My heart falls into my stomach. Oh No... Don't do this...
"We need your help as audience members to help us fill this house. We can't continue to bring you wonderful, provocative theatre without your financial support. Please, on your way out, take a blue form..." But I've already stopped listening. Or, rather, my ears are burning a bit too much to actually hear what he's saying.
Look, I'm no theatre snob. I don't consider what I do to be all that difficult, and I've never called it a "craft." or a "trade" or any of that. (Yes, I consider it art, but that's as far as I go.) But to stand there, on your multi-thousand dollar stage in your amazingly detailed and wonderful costumes and look out at 250 people who paid $24 EACH to see your show on a work night and tell them that it's OUR responsibility to fill those last 50 seats so you can put an extra $1,200 in your pocket is beyond reason.
There are DOZENS of theatre companies here in the cities who would KILL for a THIRD of your house, at HALF your ticket prices. And you have the balls to stand up there and put your "financial woes" on US?? And not only that, but to guilt us into by making us feel like if I don't bring 5 people to the next show, that I'm not doing my part for art in the cities?
I don't mind the "tell your friends to see theatre" speeches that some theatres give. Generally, I'm all for them. Please, Please, PLEASE go see theatre. And, my guess is that an audience member in general probably wasn't offended by that little speech. But as an actor, and one who doesn't get paid enough to live on acting (as YOU do, sir), I was VERY fucking offended. You are not the only company doing great work in this town, you're part of a community, a family. And we need your help, not your hubris. Take your 250 audience members and THANK them for supporting you. And we'll thank our 30. Let's all remember we're on the same team, alright?
*flips bird, drops mic*
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
And The Last Shall Be First
listening to: Nothing.
I just got a call from my Dad. At about 5:00 this afternoon, my last remaining grandparent, my grandmother on my father's side collapsed. About 10 years ago she had an artificial valve placed in her heart, and as I'm told, these things last about 10-15 years. The doctors do not believe that she is strong enough to undergo another replacement surgery, so they are making her comfortable, and keeping her warm.
I have very fond memories of my grandmother, and most of them are around Christmastime, as she lives in Iowa, and that was always the time when we would see her. She would bake cookies, and we would sit around her drafty old house and just... talk. There wasn't much else to do in Iowa, as some of you can attest to.
My Dad will most likely be leaving to be by her side in the next couple of days, and I oddly find myself wishing I could be there as well. I may drive down there in the morning. I can't stay for very long, since I have a show this weekend, but... I don't know.
It's an odd feeling. And I can't exactly place it.
I just got a call from my Dad. At about 5:00 this afternoon, my last remaining grandparent, my grandmother on my father's side collapsed. About 10 years ago she had an artificial valve placed in her heart, and as I'm told, these things last about 10-15 years. The doctors do not believe that she is strong enough to undergo another replacement surgery, so they are making her comfortable, and keeping her warm.
I have very fond memories of my grandmother, and most of them are around Christmastime, as she lives in Iowa, and that was always the time when we would see her. She would bake cookies, and we would sit around her drafty old house and just... talk. There wasn't much else to do in Iowa, as some of you can attest to.
My Dad will most likely be leaving to be by her side in the next couple of days, and I oddly find myself wishing I could be there as well. I may drive down there in the morning. I can't stay for very long, since I have a show this weekend, but... I don't know.
It's an odd feeling. And I can't exactly place it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
A Work of Fiction
An excerpt from a short story. (Listening to: "Eli's Coming" by Three Dog Night)
In every way, in every possible manner in which someone or something can be complete, he was not. An atom of hydrogen needs one proton and one electron. With either of these components missing, it ceases to be what it is, and becomes something wholly new. In the same manner it is with people.
Invariably, a time will come in every person's life when, Silverstein-like, a human being will find the piece that makes them whole. What's more, until you find this piece, you don't even know you're missing it. Unlike the titular character of the above reference, you go through your daily routine, blissfully unaware that all the while you are lacking that which will make you complete. For some, it is a passion. A thing you do without which you feel a noticable ache. Similar to the way that missing breakfast can make a person feel sluggish, irritable and without rigor, lacking this one activity can change your whole day, often for the worse. Surprisingly, these folk are the lucky ones. For the woman who loves running, all she needs to sate her fix is a long stretch of emptiness and a pair of shoes. For the man who cannot do without his work, he needs only four walls and possibly a telephone. These people can always have what it is they seek.
No, the unlucky ones are those who find themselves inextricably bound to another human being. Call it what you will, filial bonds, friendship, fraternity, even love. For these, every day without that person seems a day in darkness. Indeed, the misfortune these humans find themselves in is disastrous. A friend can betray. A father can die. A lover can take another. The curse of human beings is that we are, by our very nature, social animals. We thrive on interaction with others like us; however the misery inevitably comes because we are powerless to stop another from taking action which irrevocably harms us.
God has given us free will. He has done this in his amazing Grace and Foresight so that we may choose, each of us, our own path. He has chosen this route for His creation so that in the end, we may discover him not by force or by compulsion, but rather by complete and total choice. However, there is a duality to this gift, as there so often is. The flipside is that because we are free to choose of ourselves, no human being can compel another to remain. Those people who find their counterpart in another are damned to, at the very least, wondering if that other will ever leave. Often times the action begins small. A word, a careless phrase, perhaps even something as meaningless as a touch or a movement. Once committed however, the action begins a spiraling out of control that would make the butterfly effect seem to be as simple as a lever or an inclined plane.
What then, shall be done? The choices are simple. Retreat into a shell of impenetrable armor, never to allow yourself the human connection in a true and meaningful manner again; or, more dangerously, begin to find another piece of you. For you see the time will come when you will discover that you are not a pie with a slice removed. You are a cheese grater, with more holes than can possibly be filled. Indeed, the time will come for all of you. I pray that you make a better choice than our protagonist. And so, our story begins...
In every way, in every possible manner in which someone or something can be complete, he was not. An atom of hydrogen needs one proton and one electron. With either of these components missing, it ceases to be what it is, and becomes something wholly new. In the same manner it is with people.
Invariably, a time will come in every person's life when, Silverstein-like, a human being will find the piece that makes them whole. What's more, until you find this piece, you don't even know you're missing it. Unlike the titular character of the above reference, you go through your daily routine, blissfully unaware that all the while you are lacking that which will make you complete. For some, it is a passion. A thing you do without which you feel a noticable ache. Similar to the way that missing breakfast can make a person feel sluggish, irritable and without rigor, lacking this one activity can change your whole day, often for the worse. Surprisingly, these folk are the lucky ones. For the woman who loves running, all she needs to sate her fix is a long stretch of emptiness and a pair of shoes. For the man who cannot do without his work, he needs only four walls and possibly a telephone. These people can always have what it is they seek.
No, the unlucky ones are those who find themselves inextricably bound to another human being. Call it what you will, filial bonds, friendship, fraternity, even love. For these, every day without that person seems a day in darkness. Indeed, the misfortune these humans find themselves in is disastrous. A friend can betray. A father can die. A lover can take another. The curse of human beings is that we are, by our very nature, social animals. We thrive on interaction with others like us; however the misery inevitably comes because we are powerless to stop another from taking action which irrevocably harms us.
God has given us free will. He has done this in his amazing Grace and Foresight so that we may choose, each of us, our own path. He has chosen this route for His creation so that in the end, we may discover him not by force or by compulsion, but rather by complete and total choice. However, there is a duality to this gift, as there so often is. The flipside is that because we are free to choose of ourselves, no human being can compel another to remain. Those people who find their counterpart in another are damned to, at the very least, wondering if that other will ever leave. Often times the action begins small. A word, a careless phrase, perhaps even something as meaningless as a touch or a movement. Once committed however, the action begins a spiraling out of control that would make the butterfly effect seem to be as simple as a lever or an inclined plane.
What then, shall be done? The choices are simple. Retreat into a shell of impenetrable armor, never to allow yourself the human connection in a true and meaningful manner again; or, more dangerously, begin to find another piece of you. For you see the time will come when you will discover that you are not a pie with a slice removed. You are a cheese grater, with more holes than can possibly be filled. Indeed, the time will come for all of you. I pray that you make a better choice than our protagonist. And so, our story begins...
Friday, November 10, 2006
I Love Rock and Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby. (listening to "Bang Bang" by Dispatch)

That's right folks, it's happened. The Heroes of Rock have been given new life, and this time, it's glorious. Not that the first game wasn't tremendous, mind you, but the second one does everything right. They've even incorporated encores, ENCORES! The crowd goes wild for another song, and you have the choice to play it for them. And just like an actual road show, you save the best for last. *ahem*War Pigs*ahem*
Oh, what else is going on.. hmmm hmm hmm. Oh, yeah. My show opens in a week from the post date of this blog entry. We're doing really well, and we moved down into the Arena theatre last night for our first rehearsal in the actual space. Which, as I was told, sucks up sound like it were live-giving manna. So, if you come to the show and you can't hear me, we'll come up with a signal so I'll know to talk louder. Ummm.. Sneeze twice. Quickly. Ah-choo, Ah-choo. I'll speak up.
I don't know what the status is on the moving out thing. I have heard no additional word since that first phone call. I'm still moving forward with plans to move out of my place, though. While I'm sad to leave the deck and all the space behind, it will be nice to get a place closer to the city, and my mountains of friends here. More as it develops.
Sorry this post is boring, my life is rather hectic at the moment, and none of it is interesting and positive. It's either boring or depressing, and I'm told I'm too morose on my blog. So, silver linings for everyone! Happy Happy!

That's right folks, it's happened. The Heroes of Rock have been given new life, and this time, it's glorious. Not that the first game wasn't tremendous, mind you, but the second one does everything right. They've even incorporated encores, ENCORES! The crowd goes wild for another song, and you have the choice to play it for them. And just like an actual road show, you save the best for last. *ahem*War Pigs*ahem*
Oh, what else is going on.. hmmm hmm hmm. Oh, yeah. My show opens in a week from the post date of this blog entry. We're doing really well, and we moved down into the Arena theatre last night for our first rehearsal in the actual space. Which, as I was told, sucks up sound like it were live-giving manna. So, if you come to the show and you can't hear me, we'll come up with a signal so I'll know to talk louder. Ummm.. Sneeze twice. Quickly. Ah-choo, Ah-choo. I'll speak up.
I don't know what the status is on the moving out thing. I have heard no additional word since that first phone call. I'm still moving forward with plans to move out of my place, though. While I'm sad to leave the deck and all the space behind, it will be nice to get a place closer to the city, and my mountains of friends here. More as it develops.
Sorry this post is boring, my life is rather hectic at the moment, and none of it is interesting and positive. It's either boring or depressing, and I'm told I'm too morose on my blog. So, silver linings for everyone! Happy Happy!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Universal Karma
Ohhhh.. So, THAT is why I won money in Vegas last week. (listening to: phones ringing. everywhere. all at once.)
Got a call from my landlord/"grandfather" last night. (It's a long story, suffice to say, he was once directly related to us, is no longer so, but for all intents and purposes, he keeps the title.) He is getting a divorce from his current wife, and as such, needs to sell the condo I'm currently living in.
Yes, I realize this is not about me, and my thoughts and prayers go out to him as he goes through this tough time in his life. But, as it stands, I imagine I've got about a month, give or take, to find a new place to live. And that's not much time. And wherever I go, I'm taking Ender with me. So, it's gotta be pet-friendly.
As of this writing, all not-already-paid-for video game and entertainment expenses (read: Guitar Hero 2 and Nintendo Wiiii!) are being put on hold until things get sorted out. In the meantime, I am inquiring into places who are seeking new tenants. If any of you know of any nice places near the city that can accommodate all my shit (sectional couch, big TV, big bed, dining room table), goes for about $500-$600 a month, and has a dishwasher (Madjai does NOT do dishes), please let me know.
Even if you don't know of a place such as this, please let me know everything is going to be OK. So much is not going right at the moment, and I'm feeling very adrift. I don't have what I used to to lean on anymore, and I'm feeling that absence.
Sing it, Mary...
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to problems that upset you, oh...
Don't you know everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight.
PS- Jill Bernard rules. That is all.
Got a call from my landlord/"grandfather" last night. (It's a long story, suffice to say, he was once directly related to us, is no longer so, but for all intents and purposes, he keeps the title.) He is getting a divorce from his current wife, and as such, needs to sell the condo I'm currently living in.
Yes, I realize this is not about me, and my thoughts and prayers go out to him as he goes through this tough time in his life. But, as it stands, I imagine I've got about a month, give or take, to find a new place to live. And that's not much time. And wherever I go, I'm taking Ender with me. So, it's gotta be pet-friendly.
As of this writing, all not-already-paid-for video game and entertainment expenses (read: Guitar Hero 2 and Nintendo Wiiii!) are being put on hold until things get sorted out. In the meantime, I am inquiring into places who are seeking new tenants. If any of you know of any nice places near the city that can accommodate all my shit (sectional couch, big TV, big bed, dining room table), goes for about $500-$600 a month, and has a dishwasher (Madjai does NOT do dishes), please let me know.
Even if you don't know of a place such as this, please let me know everything is going to be OK. So much is not going right at the moment, and I'm feeling very adrift. I don't have what I used to to lean on anymore, and I'm feeling that absence.
Sing it, Mary...
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to problems that upset you, oh...
Don't you know everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight.
PS- Jill Bernard rules. That is all.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Anything With the Word Revenge in the Title
is a sequel. (listening to: "Revenge of the Nerds" theme song)
My 75th post! Huttah!
My grand return from Vegas occurs and finds me just over $700 happier than when I left. As I'm told, I may be the youngest person ever to win money playing Keno. For those of you who don't know the game, allow me to explain. You start playing Keno on a card that has every number from 1 - 80. You choose any combination of 1-10 spots on the card. When you've finished, the computer will "randomly" pull out 20 numbers. You are paid on the number of matches. At the time of my "jackpot," I was playing 6 numbers, and hit all 6. The odds of which, by the way, are 7752:1. Suffice to say, it was a very good trip. This means:
Nintendo Wii - PAID IN FULL
Final Fantasy XII - PAID IN FULL
Guitar Hero 2 w/Wireless Guitar - PAID IN FULL
Metroid 3 - PAID IN FULL
And about $300 left over. What shall I do with it all??? What a delicious question.
So, Vegas was fantastic. Finally got a chance to see the Pussycat Dolls perform live at Pure, an event two years in the making. It was a great show, but not quite what I was hoping for. Perhaps I had built it up too much in my head? In any event, I was tossed a lovely satin souvenir, courtesy of the Las Vegas Dolls. Thank YOU, ladies.
What else has happened since my last post... hrmmm... unfortunately, most of my time has been taken up with work out there in the desert.
Well, since this is my 75th post, I should recognize the people who got me here. Hit my links on the right since they're there, but there are a few who deserve special recognition.
Orion - For showing me blogspot in the first place and nearly literally giving birth to the Signs of Life.
Zoltan - For demanding that I continue to chronicle those signs when I nearly bowed out a year ago.
Daisy - For always checking up here, and continuing to be a presence.
Thank you, and here's to three more years, at least!
My 75th post! Huttah!
My grand return from Vegas occurs and finds me just over $700 happier than when I left. As I'm told, I may be the youngest person ever to win money playing Keno. For those of you who don't know the game, allow me to explain. You start playing Keno on a card that has every number from 1 - 80. You choose any combination of 1-10 spots on the card. When you've finished, the computer will "randomly" pull out 20 numbers. You are paid on the number of matches. At the time of my "jackpot," I was playing 6 numbers, and hit all 6. The odds of which, by the way, are 7752:1. Suffice to say, it was a very good trip. This means:
Nintendo Wii - PAID IN FULL
Final Fantasy XII - PAID IN FULL
Guitar Hero 2 w/Wireless Guitar - PAID IN FULL
Metroid 3 - PAID IN FULL
And about $300 left over. What shall I do with it all??? What a delicious question.
So, Vegas was fantastic. Finally got a chance to see the Pussycat Dolls perform live at Pure, an event two years in the making. It was a great show, but not quite what I was hoping for. Perhaps I had built it up too much in my head? In any event, I was tossed a lovely satin souvenir, courtesy of the Las Vegas Dolls. Thank YOU, ladies.
What else has happened since my last post... hrmmm... unfortunately, most of my time has been taken up with work out there in the desert.
Well, since this is my 75th post, I should recognize the people who got me here. Hit my links on the right since they're there, but there are a few who deserve special recognition.
Orion - For showing me blogspot in the first place and nearly literally giving birth to the Signs of Life.
Zoltan - For demanding that I continue to chronicle those signs when I nearly bowed out a year ago.
Daisy - For always checking up here, and continuing to be a presence.
Thank you, and here's to three more years, at least!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Something Zoltan Would Most Definitely Like
This is a re-post from another site. This one goes out to Flash Gordon, Ricky Beeman, Rocket J. Squirrel and Jesus Christ, all who were created by us, and who all ranked in the 90's. (listening to: The John Madden NFL rap from Madden 2002)
For those of you who don't know already, this letter is from Washington Redskins lineman Ethan Albright to John Madden. In Madden's newest cookie-cutter-off-the-line-every-year-so-I-can-line-my-pockets-with-gold video game, Mr. Albright is rated the lowest-ranking player in the NFL. Yeah, behind every kicker and backup special teams player currently on NFL rosters, Mr. Albright is ranked dead last. Here's what he has to say on the subject. (Be forewarned, the language befits a man thusly shunned.)
To: John Madden
CC: Electronic Arts Sports
From: Ethan Albright
Re: Being the worst rated player on Madden ‘07
Hi, John, my name is Ethan Albright. I play line for the Washington Redskins. You probably already knew that, so I’ll continue. I am writing in regards to the overall player rating of 53 that I have received in Madden NFL Football 2007. I feel that this is fucking bullshit and you should kiss my mother-fucking ass. Ahmed Carroll was rated a 78 and the Packers just cut his ass on a Tuesday morning after his performance in a Monday night game. That is pretty terrible. The worst part is that his overall rating was sniffing 80.
You know what, John? Two can play this game. I rate you a fucking 12. I rate you a fucking 12 in Ethan Albright Football 2000-ever… except for in the category of ball-licking. That is where I will spot you a 98 rating. You will receive this score because I will never give your blubbery ass a 99 in any category. Take that, pencil-dick. Go do Al Micheals or something. Boom. Score one for Red Beard.
It’s also pretty wonderful that my awareness rating was 59. You make it sound like I wake up in the morning, helplessly shit and piss myself, then lose three of my teeth before I discover that I am trying to eat a rock for breakfast. Fuck, John, I understand you saying that I am slow and lacking athleticism, but a rating like this pretty much labels me as retarded. Rod “He Hate Me” Smart has a 52 in this category. Electronic Arts is saying that seven rating points separate me and the breathing embodiment of the perfect oxymoron. Rod Smart struggled to arrange words in sentence form. Cave men had better hold of the English language. The only actions that separate point values of ignorance at this embarrassing level are things like using your own toothbrush to wipe your ass. I basically edged out Rod by my lack of shit teeth. If I take a night school class, could you bump me up to a 60?
I guess I just can’t fathom the fact that I am the absolute worst player rated out of the entire NFL. Fuck, man, there are some shitty guys out there. Amongst everyone, I was rated the absolute worst.
I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success. My agility rating on your game is 33. It makes it sound like I just topple over if I start walking too fast. Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he’d look just like Jabba the Hut.
John, you are such a fucking dick. I also noticed that my kick return rating was a 0. I was rated a fucking zero? So you feel that I shouldn’t even receive a 10, or even a 5? You are pretty much saying that I couldn’t even fall forward on a ball kicked in my direction. I would just stand there and let the ball bounce off of my fucking face. Fuck that, John, I returned an onside kick 6 yards in 2002. You should have just slapped a - 4 on me and had the EA staff ambush me with paintball guns.
Finally, I would like to comment on an unlikely topic, my pass coverage ratings. I see that I am a better at man-to-man coverage (31) than zone (21). Fuck me sideways with a lunchbox. Where did these scores even come from? How much time is spent coming up with the pass coverage ratings of offensive lineman? Can I have that job? Let’s see here, I think that Orlando Pace would be slightly better at jumping intermediate routes than Larry Allen. While I’m at it, I can assign the passing ratings for offensive lineman as well. I can use mine as a guide.
I was rated with a throwing power of 17 and accuracy of 16. Orlando Pace has a 22 power and 17 accuracy rating. Did someone at EA really put time into figuring out that Orlando Pace edges out Ethan Albright in both throwing power and accuracy? I will challenge him any day. My horrible passer ratings are of greatest misfortune to my son, Red Beard Jr. The poor boy is not only hideously ugly and covered by freakishly large freckles. He also has to suffer through playing catch with me and my senile-elderly-woman-type passer ratings. A session of tossing the pigskin usually consists of me missing my son by thirty yards in sporadic directions. I led him in front of a fire truck once and my wife kicked my ass. This is because of my 76 toughness rating. Yes, a 76 is far better than the other ratings, but I’m a fucking lineman, damn it. NFL Linemen are considered to be synonymous with toughness. According to your game, I am a retarded, uncoordinated, pussy-ass fuckwad that can’t fall on a kickoff, throw, or spell. I am, however, slightly better at manning up on a receiver than dropping into zone coverage. You lose your mind more and more each year, old man.
Fuck you, John. Please expect to find red pubes in various meals you consume for the rest of your life. If you fuck with Ethan Albright, you call down the thunder.
Rot in Hell,
Ethan Albright
Original Story Here
Amen, Mr. Albright. Amen.
edit: A Rollercoaster BLOODBATH, courtesy of Kotaku
For those of you who don't know already, this letter is from Washington Redskins lineman Ethan Albright to John Madden. In Madden's newest cookie-cutter-off-the-line-every-year-so-I-can-line-my-pockets-with-gold video game, Mr. Albright is rated the lowest-ranking player in the NFL. Yeah, behind every kicker and backup special teams player currently on NFL rosters, Mr. Albright is ranked dead last. Here's what he has to say on the subject. (Be forewarned, the language befits a man thusly shunned.)
To: John Madden
CC: Electronic Arts Sports
From: Ethan Albright
Re: Being the worst rated player on Madden ‘07
Hi, John, my name is Ethan Albright. I play line for the Washington Redskins. You probably already knew that, so I’ll continue. I am writing in regards to the overall player rating of 53 that I have received in Madden NFL Football 2007. I feel that this is fucking bullshit and you should kiss my mother-fucking ass. Ahmed Carroll was rated a 78 and the Packers just cut his ass on a Tuesday morning after his performance in a Monday night game. That is pretty terrible. The worst part is that his overall rating was sniffing 80.
You know what, John? Two can play this game. I rate you a fucking 12. I rate you a fucking 12 in Ethan Albright Football 2000-ever… except for in the category of ball-licking. That is where I will spot you a 98 rating. You will receive this score because I will never give your blubbery ass a 99 in any category. Take that, pencil-dick. Go do Al Micheals or something. Boom. Score one for Red Beard.
It’s also pretty wonderful that my awareness rating was 59. You make it sound like I wake up in the morning, helplessly shit and piss myself, then lose three of my teeth before I discover that I am trying to eat a rock for breakfast. Fuck, John, I understand you saying that I am slow and lacking athleticism, but a rating like this pretty much labels me as retarded. Rod “He Hate Me” Smart has a 52 in this category. Electronic Arts is saying that seven rating points separate me and the breathing embodiment of the perfect oxymoron. Rod Smart struggled to arrange words in sentence form. Cave men had better hold of the English language. The only actions that separate point values of ignorance at this embarrassing level are things like using your own toothbrush to wipe your ass. I basically edged out Rod by my lack of shit teeth. If I take a night school class, could you bump me up to a 60?
I guess I just can’t fathom the fact that I am the absolute worst player rated out of the entire NFL. Fuck, man, there are some shitty guys out there. Amongst everyone, I was rated the absolute worst.
I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success. My agility rating on your game is 33. It makes it sound like I just topple over if I start walking too fast. Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he’d look just like Jabba the Hut.
John, you are such a fucking dick. I also noticed that my kick return rating was a 0. I was rated a fucking zero? So you feel that I shouldn’t even receive a 10, or even a 5? You are pretty much saying that I couldn’t even fall forward on a ball kicked in my direction. I would just stand there and let the ball bounce off of my fucking face. Fuck that, John, I returned an onside kick 6 yards in 2002. You should have just slapped a - 4 on me and had the EA staff ambush me with paintball guns.
Finally, I would like to comment on an unlikely topic, my pass coverage ratings. I see that I am a better at man-to-man coverage (31) than zone (21). Fuck me sideways with a lunchbox. Where did these scores even come from? How much time is spent coming up with the pass coverage ratings of offensive lineman? Can I have that job? Let’s see here, I think that Orlando Pace would be slightly better at jumping intermediate routes than Larry Allen. While I’m at it, I can assign the passing ratings for offensive lineman as well. I can use mine as a guide.
I was rated with a throwing power of 17 and accuracy of 16. Orlando Pace has a 22 power and 17 accuracy rating. Did someone at EA really put time into figuring out that Orlando Pace edges out Ethan Albright in both throwing power and accuracy? I will challenge him any day. My horrible passer ratings are of greatest misfortune to my son, Red Beard Jr. The poor boy is not only hideously ugly and covered by freakishly large freckles. He also has to suffer through playing catch with me and my senile-elderly-woman-type passer ratings. A session of tossing the pigskin usually consists of me missing my son by thirty yards in sporadic directions. I led him in front of a fire truck once and my wife kicked my ass. This is because of my 76 toughness rating. Yes, a 76 is far better than the other ratings, but I’m a fucking lineman, damn it. NFL Linemen are considered to be synonymous with toughness. According to your game, I am a retarded, uncoordinated, pussy-ass fuckwad that can’t fall on a kickoff, throw, or spell. I am, however, slightly better at manning up on a receiver than dropping into zone coverage. You lose your mind more and more each year, old man.
Fuck you, John. Please expect to find red pubes in various meals you consume for the rest of your life. If you fuck with Ethan Albright, you call down the thunder.
Rot in Hell,
Ethan Albright
Original Story Here
Amen, Mr. Albright. Amen.
edit: A Rollercoaster BLOODBATH, courtesy of Kotaku
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Vegas, Baby
Vegas. (listening to: "A Little Less Conversation (a little more action)" by Elvis
Vegas. Year Two. Twice the fun at half the cost. Last year, the goal was to go to Vegas, and come back with enough money to buy an iPod. And I did. Right now, Vegas is my bitch to the tune of $300 or so. This year, the stakes are being raised.
I have a Wii preorder that needs paying for as well as a FEW games coming out very soon that need paying for. Let's break it down.
Nintendo Wii - $250
Red Steel - $50
Final Fantasy XII - $60
Guitar Hero 2 - $80
TOTAL: $440
- Money already spent preordering
= $375.
Let's round it up to an even figure and let's make it $400. I'm going to take $400 off of Vegas this year, and be in gaming bliss because of it.
In other news, I've got a PR shoot tonight for The Mousetrap. That's right, for those of you out there who get PR shill from TRP, you're going to see my ugly mug on your postcards. In advance, I'm sorry. But, it's great publicity for me, so I'll take it. With happiness.
So, blogger denizens, I apologize if this is the last update for a week or so, I promise to write more when I'm richer. In both life and cash. That is all.
Vegas. Year Two. Twice the fun at half the cost. Last year, the goal was to go to Vegas, and come back with enough money to buy an iPod. And I did. Right now, Vegas is my bitch to the tune of $300 or so. This year, the stakes are being raised.
I have a Wii preorder that needs paying for as well as a FEW games coming out very soon that need paying for. Let's break it down.
Nintendo Wii - $250
Red Steel - $50
Final Fantasy XII - $60
Guitar Hero 2 - $80
TOTAL: $440
- Money already spent preordering
= $375.
Let's round it up to an even figure and let's make it $400. I'm going to take $400 off of Vegas this year, and be in gaming bliss because of it.
In other news, I've got a PR shoot tonight for The Mousetrap. That's right, for those of you out there who get PR shill from TRP, you're going to see my ugly mug on your postcards. In advance, I'm sorry. But, it's great publicity for me, so I'll take it. With happiness.
So, blogger denizens, I apologize if this is the last update for a week or so, I promise to write more when I'm richer. In both life and cash. That is all.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Hat Trick!
Refers to three days, three posts. Don't get used to this, people... (listening to: "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" by Panic! at the disco)
Two interesting and fun things happened in the last 24 hours. Shall I reveal them both to you? Chronological order? Very well.
I went to see Shadowlands at TRP last night. WONDERFUL. Here's my review:
I wish that I had remembered to bring my program to work today so I could use actor names, but I didn't, so bear with me.
The show starts out with Lewis lecturing on the topic of God and suffering. His demeanor is academic, but somehow open and welcoming. The conceit for the whole show is that we keep coming back to this same lecture. We come back to it right after intermission, and he briefly jumps back into that world at the very end of the show. It's a neat conceit, and it works fairly well. Unfortunately, it's the only "transition" that does. Many of the transitions between scenes are roadmapped very clearly, but it's impossible to tell how much time has gone by. This may be a fault of the script (which has its absolutely brilliant moments), but it didn't really bother me at all until towards the end of the show when one character asks CS Lewis if it was worth it, and he responds, "Three years of happiness?" That was like someone slapping me across the face. Three years?!?! Where the hell did three years go? What else did I miss? It's a jarring moment that leaves an audience member wondering just how much of Lewis' life we've been watching over the last 120 minutes.
Fortunately, this is the only conceit that put me off. The staging was well done, alhough there was a lot I missed because I was sitting in E. I kept thinking, am I the only one who can't see this moment? And yes, I was. The moments I really wanted to enjoy were available to nearly every other section. I just picked a bad place to sit. The pacing of the first half is generally good, with lots going on for us to pay attention to.
The woman playing Joy, I understand, was a last-minute replacement for the original cast member. Last night, she came on and seemed to be very wooden, and very methodical in her delivery. Each word was deliberately pronounced, and it seemed like she was being careful just get the lines out rather than play her character. However, after about 10 minutes or so, she warmed up, and I never felt like she was swimming against the current for the rest of the night. In fact, towards the end of the show, I was so completely in the palm of her hand, it seemed like there were two different actors there. The acting tour de force (always wanted to use that phrase) between her and Lewis in the second act was palpable, and the 55-minute second half flew by in a mess of tears and heartwarming moments.
There were a couple weak links in the cast, but all in all Lewis, Joy, Riley and Mornay (i think.. GOD, I wish I had my program with me) are Atlasian in carrying the show through tougher moments. As a fan of CS Lewis and his life's work, I may have enjoyed this show more than most. But it's a very touching commentary on why we suffer in this life, and where God is when it hurts. Turns out, He's right there, we're just not sure what He's doing about it.
Yes, folks, it was that good. Overall, I give it 4.5 Madjai's out of five.
I got mii a Wii preorder. I know, right? Here's the story.
KR agreed to wait out in the cold at my local EB Games this morning because she's an amazing person who does nice things for mii that I don't deserve. (Mii singing her praises was part of the deal.) Shii only agreed to do it because it was a good character study for her, what with the mass amount of giiks who would CAMP OUT not to get the actual system, but only to PRiiORDER it. Plus, I told her shii could play my DS in line with the other giiks. This, shii siimed to like. The store opened at 10am, and they had 14 Wii's to sell. I told her to bii there at 9:15. This turned out to bii 75 minutes too late. Alas. No Wii this year.
I immiidiately got on the phone to all my local EBii stores and tried to find one that was still priiordering. After an hour, I found one that was. Hii told mii to hurrii and get there quicklii so that hii still had one for mii when I got there. I did, and hii did, and wii did a little dance of happiiness.
So, I will be getting a Wii on November 17th, day of Launch. Which, I just riialized is the opening night of my show... miining that I won't bii able to play with my Wii until verii late that night. Sadness.
**End of over-used "ii" substitutions for "e" sounds.**
Now I find myself thinking... what if people want to touch my Wii? Should I let them? I mean... it's MY Wii. Will they be gentle with my Wii? What if they want to hold my Wii too long? Should I ask them to stop? Will that be embarassing for me or them? I mean, I know that no one has the right to touch my Wii without my permission, but... I want to be nice, right? Maybe I'll let them touch my Wii for just a little bit, and then ask them politely to stop. But, at the same time, I know that when you get your hands on a Wii, it's hard to stop without finishing. I don't want to be called a Wii-tease.
Please. Help me. How should I let people handle my Wii?
Two interesting and fun things happened in the last 24 hours. Shall I reveal them both to you? Chronological order? Very well.
I went to see Shadowlands at TRP last night. WONDERFUL. Here's my review:
I wish that I had remembered to bring my program to work today so I could use actor names, but I didn't, so bear with me.
The show starts out with Lewis lecturing on the topic of God and suffering. His demeanor is academic, but somehow open and welcoming. The conceit for the whole show is that we keep coming back to this same lecture. We come back to it right after intermission, and he briefly jumps back into that world at the very end of the show. It's a neat conceit, and it works fairly well. Unfortunately, it's the only "transition" that does. Many of the transitions between scenes are roadmapped very clearly, but it's impossible to tell how much time has gone by. This may be a fault of the script (which has its absolutely brilliant moments), but it didn't really bother me at all until towards the end of the show when one character asks CS Lewis if it was worth it, and he responds, "Three years of happiness?" That was like someone slapping me across the face. Three years?!?! Where the hell did three years go? What else did I miss? It's a jarring moment that leaves an audience member wondering just how much of Lewis' life we've been watching over the last 120 minutes.
Fortunately, this is the only conceit that put me off. The staging was well done, alhough there was a lot I missed because I was sitting in E. I kept thinking, am I the only one who can't see this moment? And yes, I was. The moments I really wanted to enjoy were available to nearly every other section. I just picked a bad place to sit. The pacing of the first half is generally good, with lots going on for us to pay attention to.
The woman playing Joy, I understand, was a last-minute replacement for the original cast member. Last night, she came on and seemed to be very wooden, and very methodical in her delivery. Each word was deliberately pronounced, and it seemed like she was being careful just get the lines out rather than play her character. However, after about 10 minutes or so, she warmed up, and I never felt like she was swimming against the current for the rest of the night. In fact, towards the end of the show, I was so completely in the palm of her hand, it seemed like there were two different actors there. The acting tour de force (always wanted to use that phrase) between her and Lewis in the second act was palpable, and the 55-minute second half flew by in a mess of tears and heartwarming moments.
There were a couple weak links in the cast, but all in all Lewis, Joy, Riley and Mornay (i think.. GOD, I wish I had my program with me) are Atlasian in carrying the show through tougher moments. As a fan of CS Lewis and his life's work, I may have enjoyed this show more than most. But it's a very touching commentary on why we suffer in this life, and where God is when it hurts. Turns out, He's right there, we're just not sure what He's doing about it.
Yes, folks, it was that good. Overall, I give it 4.5 Madjai's out of five.
I got mii a Wii preorder. I know, right? Here's the story.
KR agreed to wait out in the cold at my local EB Games this morning because she's an amazing person who does nice things for mii that I don't deserve. (Mii singing her praises was part of the deal.) Shii only agreed to do it because it was a good character study for her, what with the mass amount of giiks who would CAMP OUT not to get the actual system, but only to PRiiORDER it. Plus, I told her shii could play my DS in line with the other giiks. This, shii siimed to like. The store opened at 10am, and they had 14 Wii's to sell. I told her to bii there at 9:15. This turned out to bii 75 minutes too late. Alas. No Wii this year.
I immiidiately got on the phone to all my local EBii stores and tried to find one that was still priiordering. After an hour, I found one that was. Hii told mii to hurrii and get there quicklii so that hii still had one for mii when I got there. I did, and hii did, and wii did a little dance of happiiness.
So, I will be getting a Wii on November 17th, day of Launch. Which, I just riialized is the opening night of my show... miining that I won't bii able to play with my Wii until verii late that night. Sadness.
**End of over-used "ii" substitutions for "e" sounds.**
Now I find myself thinking... what if people want to touch my Wii? Should I let them? I mean... it's MY Wii. Will they be gentle with my Wii? What if they want to hold my Wii too long? Should I ask them to stop? Will that be embarassing for me or them? I mean, I know that no one has the right to touch my Wii without my permission, but... I want to be nice, right? Maybe I'll let them touch my Wii for just a little bit, and then ask them politely to stop. But, at the same time, I know that when you get your hands on a Wii, it's hard to stop without finishing. I don't want to be called a Wii-tease.
Please. Help me. How should I let people handle my Wii?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Making A Concerted Effort
To blog more. (listening to: War Pigs by Black Sabbath... see previous post)
So, scroll down to see if you've missed anything in the latest hurricane-like frenzy.
I updated the look and feel of my blog today. Hope you like it. Notice the new set of links on the right to my favorite webcomics. As soon as I figure out how to add a link to a Podcast, I'm going to do that as well.
I noticed that when I changed my blog over, I've been blogging for nearly two years now. That's two years, as many jobs, 5 shows, and innumerable dramatic catastrophes. In that vein, I've decided that while I adore the quote above from 1984, I'd like to update it as a part of my fall cleaning. If anyone has any ideas that fit the overall tone of this blog, I'd love to use a new quote up there. I'd prefer it to be an excerpt from a book, though a song lyric isn't out of the question either. Something you think reminds you all of me, while still proclaiming my last few shreds of pretention that I like to hang on to. The gates are open. Make it so.
In other news, rehearsals for my next show are going very well. I enjoy working in that space, and the rest of the cast is great. Except for the actress who plays Miss Casewell. I think she and I are going to have to fight before the run is over. Which is too bad. It really is.
Going to Vegas in a couple weeks for work. So, hopefully I'll have pictures to post of things that I did there that WON'T get me in trouble. Everything else will stay safely undocumented.
KR came back to the cities last night after her extended absence in Chicago. Her show with Redmoon was a fantastical journey through a magical orchard in the deep crimson and gold autumn. (My words, not PR schill) The show had a lot going on, and easily filled the three hours allotted, and the only gripe I had with the whole evening was that I wanted a plot line. It was basically an art gallery that you wandered through, except that it was outside, and you didn't have plaques next to each artist telling you what the hell was going on. You just observed, and enjoyed it at face value. Which I did. I guess I'm just a little too left-brained for my own good sometimes.
Nevertheless, KR was fantastic both on stilts and on land, and only dropped one lemon and a telephone the night I was there. So, if you see her, tell her "good show." Even if you weren't there. She deserved it.
Alright. That's that for the day. I'm at work, so I should probably look busy... er.
(how i'm thinking about ending all my posts now...)
So, scroll down to see if you've missed anything in the latest hurricane-like frenzy.
I updated the look and feel of my blog today. Hope you like it. Notice the new set of links on the right to my favorite webcomics. As soon as I figure out how to add a link to a Podcast, I'm going to do that as well.
I noticed that when I changed my blog over, I've been blogging for nearly two years now. That's two years, as many jobs, 5 shows, and innumerable dramatic catastrophes. In that vein, I've decided that while I adore the quote above from 1984, I'd like to update it as a part of my fall cleaning. If anyone has any ideas that fit the overall tone of this blog, I'd love to use a new quote up there. I'd prefer it to be an excerpt from a book, though a song lyric isn't out of the question either. Something you think reminds you all of me, while still proclaiming my last few shreds of pretention that I like to hang on to. The gates are open. Make it so.
In other news, rehearsals for my next show are going very well. I enjoy working in that space, and the rest of the cast is great. Except for the actress who plays Miss Casewell. I think she and I are going to have to fight before the run is over. Which is too bad. It really is.
Going to Vegas in a couple weeks for work. So, hopefully I'll have pictures to post of things that I did there that WON'T get me in trouble. Everything else will stay safely undocumented.
KR came back to the cities last night after her extended absence in Chicago. Her show with Redmoon was a fantastical journey through a magical orchard in the deep crimson and gold autumn. (My words, not PR schill) The show had a lot going on, and easily filled the three hours allotted, and the only gripe I had with the whole evening was that I wanted a plot line. It was basically an art gallery that you wandered through, except that it was outside, and you didn't have plaques next to each artist telling you what the hell was going on. You just observed, and enjoyed it at face value. Which I did. I guess I'm just a little too left-brained for my own good sometimes.
Nevertheless, KR was fantastic both on stilts and on land, and only dropped one lemon and a telephone the night I was there. So, if you see her, tell her "good show." Even if you weren't there. She deserved it.
Alright. That's that for the day. I'm at work, so I should probably look busy... er.
(how i'm thinking about ending all my posts now...)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Generals Gathered in Their Masses
... just like witches at black masses. (listening to: A choir of heavenly angels, proclaiming in loud, trumpeting voices: "Go Tell it on the Mountain.")
And who am I to argue with what is clearly, a gift from the Lord Iehovah (original latin spelling, for my Indy fans).
Well folks... Kotaku released a story today about everyone's favorite game. And more importantly, they dished out the ENTIRE track list. And,
Let's get right to it, shall we?
1. Opening Licks
Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
Danzig - Mother
Cheap Trick - Surrender
Wolfmother - Woman
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight
2. Amp-Warmers
Kiss - Strutter
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
Police - Message in a Bottle
Van Halen - You Really Got Me
Kansas - Carry on [my] Wayward Son
3. String-Snappers
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Alice in Chains - Them Bones
Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and Destroy
Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
4. Thrash and Burn
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night
Mat[t]hew Sweet - Girlfriend
Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
5. Return of the Shred
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Primus - John the Fisherman
Sword - Freya
Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation
Aerosmith - Last Child
6. Relentless Riffs
Heart - Crazy on You
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
Allman Brothers - Jessica
Jane's Addiction - Stop
7. Furious Fretwork
Anthrax - Madhouse
Living End - Carry Me Home
Lamb of God - Laid to Rest
Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout
Rush - YYZ
8. Face-Melters
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
That's right folks. Bask in the glory. Is that Spinal Tap I see there?? Oh, yes... this is the day that the Lord has made, and you will certainly rejoice and be glad in it. LOOK AT THAT.
Songs I will rockstar-kick-your-ass at:
Police - Message in a Bottle
Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Black Sabbath - WAR PIGS (OMGWTFBBQ!!!11!!)
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Rush - YYZ
wait.. wait just a second.. is that.. Scrolls up to look
It IS!
Ladies And Gentlemen: Lynyrd Skynyrd - FREEBIRD.
That's it.. Good night, Minneapolis, we love you.
*Sets fire to guitar and amps, and leaves the stage*
And who am I to argue with what is clearly, a gift from the Lord Iehovah (original latin spelling, for my Indy fans).
Well folks... Kotaku released a story today about everyone's favorite game. And more importantly, they dished out the ENTIRE track list. And,
Let's get right to it, shall we?
1. Opening Licks
Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
Danzig - Mother
Cheap Trick - Surrender
Wolfmother - Woman
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight
2. Amp-Warmers
Kiss - Strutter
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
Police - Message in a Bottle
Van Halen - You Really Got Me
Kansas - Carry on [my] Wayward Son
3. String-Snappers
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Alice in Chains - Them Bones
Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and Destroy
Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
4. Thrash and Burn
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night
Mat[t]hew Sweet - Girlfriend
Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
5. Return of the Shred
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Primus - John the Fisherman
Sword - Freya
Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation
Aerosmith - Last Child
6. Relentless Riffs
Heart - Crazy on You
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
Allman Brothers - Jessica
Jane's Addiction - Stop
7. Furious Fretwork
Anthrax - Madhouse
Living End - Carry Me Home
Lamb of God - Laid to Rest
Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout
Rush - YYZ
8. Face-Melters
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
That's right folks. Bask in the glory. Is that Spinal Tap I see there?? Oh, yes... this is the day that the Lord has made, and you will certainly rejoice and be glad in it. LOOK AT THAT.
Songs I will rockstar-kick-your-ass at:
Police - Message in a Bottle
Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Black Sabbath - WAR PIGS (OMGWTFBBQ!!!11!!)
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Rush - YYZ
wait.. wait just a second.. is that.. Scrolls up to look
It IS!
Ladies And Gentlemen: Lynyrd Skynyrd - FREEBIRD.
That's it.. Good night, Minneapolis, we love you.
*Sets fire to guitar and amps, and leaves the stage*
Monday, September 18, 2006
Three Down...
Three to go. (listening to: ringing of party in my ears)
Sitting around our hotel room last night, it became clear to The Family(r) that we only see each other when one of us gets married. This quickly turned into a pseudo-shouting match about those of us who don't travel to see the others very often, and Zoltan quickly suggested that the six of us and our "Better halves and/or special guests" take an all-inclusive trip to sunny Cancun sometime.
To me, this sounds fantastic. I'm thinking sometime between Christmas and New Year's. Maybe be IN Cancun for New Year's? Anyone?
The title of this post refers to the fact that fully half of The Family(r) is now married. In the interests of both anonymity and humor, I've created/borrowed the following pseudonyms for the original founding members of The Family(r) and their counterparts, purely for record-keeping purposes:
The Madjai (currently unmarried)
El Scorcho (currently unmarried)
Zoltan and his wife (and original family member) D-lightful
Biggy and his wife EttAli
Lawful and his wife Schoolmarm Red
Roxtar (currently unmarried)
Consider this the guest list for the trip, kids. Those of you unmarried- choose your +1, or just bring your alcoholism.
Sitting around our hotel room last night, it became clear to The Family(r) that we only see each other when one of us gets married. This quickly turned into a pseudo-shouting match about those of us who don't travel to see the others very often, and Zoltan quickly suggested that the six of us and our "Better halves and/or special guests" take an all-inclusive trip to sunny Cancun sometime.
To me, this sounds fantastic. I'm thinking sometime between Christmas and New Year's. Maybe be IN Cancun for New Year's? Anyone?
The title of this post refers to the fact that fully half of The Family(r) is now married. In the interests of both anonymity and humor, I've created/borrowed the following pseudonyms for the original founding members of The Family(r) and their counterparts, purely for record-keeping purposes:
The Madjai (currently unmarried)
El Scorcho (currently unmarried)
Zoltan and his wife (and original family member) D-lightful
Biggy and his wife EttAli
Lawful and his wife Schoolmarm Red
Roxtar (currently unmarried)
Consider this the guest list for the trip, kids. Those of you unmarried- choose your +1, or just bring your alcoholism.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
How Windy Was It?
It was so windy, that it blew me away!! (listening to: "Babe" by Styx)
Wow... that's got to be the worst pun I've ever blogged. I'm very sorry. (kinda.)
So, I spent the weekend in Chicago, visiting KR, Karen, and my folks. What a great weekend. We did some of the touristy stuff, visited Millenium park, went for a walk along lakeshore drive, rode every line there was on the El, and even went to Navy Pier. (Shut up, KR, we SO did.)
And, yes, I went all the way to Chicago to go to an AMC to see The Illusionist. PS- this movie rules. This blog tries to be spoiler free, so I'll say just this: I didn't like 30 seconds at the end of the movie. There you have it. Go see it.
I'm reminded every time I go to that place that I love it there. Why do I want to move there? It costs $20 to park your car anywhere, if you're lucky. The El is $2 one-way, and the Metra is even more. And yet... something about that city just feels... like home. I'd move there inside of an hour if I thought I could live there. No job, no place to live, and with acting going oh-so-very-well here, I'd be a fool to leave. A damn fool. And yet...
I haven't spoken about the gaming world in a very, VERY long time, so I'd like to take this moment for that. There are a few good-looking games coming out soon that I'm very much looking forward to. Right now, I'm about 1/3 of the way through Xenosaga III, and finding less and less time to play it lately. So far, it's very good, and provides me the milkshake of gaming and over-the-top philosophy and education that is needed in this world only slightly less than a new source of oil.
Biggy is getting married this weekend. (No link due to his blog being replaced/taken over by some freaky marketing thing) Everyone keep him in your thoughts and prayers, as he gives up the good life, and goes off to become Mr. His Wife (names changed to protect the innocent). Also, keep his wedding party in mind as we get stupid drunk this weekend in memoriam of his bachelor status, and yet another friend lost to the wily ways of women. May he be long remembered.
Wow... that's got to be the worst pun I've ever blogged. I'm very sorry. (kinda.)
So, I spent the weekend in Chicago, visiting KR, Karen, and my folks. What a great weekend. We did some of the touristy stuff, visited Millenium park, went for a walk along lakeshore drive, rode every line there was on the El, and even went to Navy Pier. (Shut up, KR, we SO did.)
And, yes, I went all the way to Chicago to go to an AMC to see The Illusionist. PS- this movie rules. This blog tries to be spoiler free, so I'll say just this: I didn't like 30 seconds at the end of the movie. There you have it. Go see it.
I'm reminded every time I go to that place that I love it there. Why do I want to move there? It costs $20 to park your car anywhere, if you're lucky. The El is $2 one-way, and the Metra is even more. And yet... something about that city just feels... like home. I'd move there inside of an hour if I thought I could live there. No job, no place to live, and with acting going oh-so-very-well here, I'd be a fool to leave. A damn fool. And yet...
I haven't spoken about the gaming world in a very, VERY long time, so I'd like to take this moment for that. There are a few good-looking games coming out soon that I'm very much looking forward to. Right now, I'm about 1/3 of the way through Xenosaga III, and finding less and less time to play it lately. So far, it's very good, and provides me the milkshake of gaming and over-the-top philosophy and education that is needed in this world only slightly less than a new source of oil.
Biggy is getting married this weekend. (No link due to his blog being replaced/taken over by some freaky marketing thing) Everyone keep him in your thoughts and prayers, as he gives up the good life, and goes off to become Mr. His Wife (names changed to protect the innocent). Also, keep his wedding party in mind as we get stupid drunk this weekend in memoriam of his bachelor status, and yet another friend lost to the wily ways of women. May he be long remembered.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy Birthday, Indeed!!
Well, well, well... looks like 25 is my new lucky number!! (listening to: the Hallelujah chorus)
So, today is my birthday. Which isn't all that great, considering my dubious birthday track record. However, this one is absolutely fantastic thus far!! I have tickets to the Flaming Lips show tonight at the Fair with the very lovely KR, which I've been dying to go to since I heard they were coming to town.
But, not only that, I have ALSO been cast in my first TRP show! I will be playing Giles in their production of The Mousetrap this winter. Details on their website or mine. For those of you keeping track at home, this makes 7 auditions, 7 callbacks, and 7 castings in a row. I'm on a heater!
Thanks to everyone who's wished me a happy birthday thus far today, and if you haven't.... where you at?
PS- Daisy has been accepted to some acting program in LA, so her decision to move out west is now definite. Please wish her the best as she moves on to fame and fortune, as we all knew she would.
So, today is my birthday. Which isn't all that great, considering my dubious birthday track record. However, this one is absolutely fantastic thus far!! I have tickets to the Flaming Lips show tonight at the Fair with the very lovely KR, which I've been dying to go to since I heard they were coming to town.
But, not only that, I have ALSO been cast in my first TRP show! I will be playing Giles in their production of The Mousetrap this winter. Details on their website or mine. For those of you keeping track at home, this makes 7 auditions, 7 callbacks, and 7 castings in a row. I'm on a heater!
Thanks to everyone who's wished me a happy birthday thus far today, and if you haven't.... where you at?
PS- Daisy has been accepted to some acting program in LA, so her decision to move out west is now definite. Please wish her the best as she moves on to fame and fortune, as we all knew she would.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Two shows down, Three to go. (listening to: "I Fought the Law" by Eddie Cochrane)
Only one show left! Please come and see it if you haven't yet!!
We had our second performance of TAPE yesterday afternoon, and open our third this evening. Our first show was meekly attended, but those who were there were very responsive and clearly enjoyed the show a lot. Yesterday was MUCH better number-wise, and the audience REALLY enjoyed themselves. They were laughing at all the right times, and quiet and thoughtful exactly when we wanted them to be. Also in yesterday's audience was a reviewer from the St. Paul Pioneer Press. His review is below:
Stephen Belber's play — which was made into a 2001 movie with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman — is really more an exercise in dialogue than a story. This story of three people in a motel room rehashing the events of a long-ago night has more improbabilities, red herrings and false endings than a bad detective novel, and its 20-something characters are Myopic with a capital M. But the first-rate cast of Christiana Clark, Stephen Frethem and [The Madjai] gives a smooth and polished reading under the able direction of Dana Buchwald. Nothing too Fringe-y about it, but a good effort.
- Dominic Papatola
Basically, he didn't like the show, but he liked us. Fair enough, Mr. Papatola. Fair enough. If you haven't seen it yet, please come. Dates and times are on the Fringe Festival website. Or, you can check out my homepage with a link on the right.
Only one show left! Please come and see it if you haven't yet!!
We had our second performance of TAPE yesterday afternoon, and open our third this evening. Our first show was meekly attended, but those who were there were very responsive and clearly enjoyed the show a lot. Yesterday was MUCH better number-wise, and the audience REALLY enjoyed themselves. They were laughing at all the right times, and quiet and thoughtful exactly when we wanted them to be. Also in yesterday's audience was a reviewer from the St. Paul Pioneer Press. His review is below:
Stephen Belber's play — which was made into a 2001 movie with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman — is really more an exercise in dialogue than a story. This story of three people in a motel room rehashing the events of a long-ago night has more improbabilities, red herrings and false endings than a bad detective novel, and its 20-something characters are Myopic with a capital M. But the first-rate cast of Christiana Clark, Stephen Frethem and [The Madjai] gives a smooth and polished reading under the able direction of Dana Buchwald. Nothing too Fringe-y about it, but a good effort.
- Dominic Papatola
Basically, he didn't like the show, but he liked us. Fair enough, Mr. Papatola. Fair enough. If you haven't seen it yet, please come. Dates and times are on the Fringe Festival website. Or, you can check out my homepage with a link on the right.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Nine and 1/2 Games
That's how far we are from total and complete domination in a miraculous come-from-behind-season. (listening to: The Hormel Row of Fame theme song)
So, The Emotional Gremlin took me to a Twins game last night. We sat in the third row behind home plate. Liriano gave up two quick runs in the first, but then settled in and pitched one HELL of a game against a tough team. 12 strikeouts for the kid... which EG called on the nose (I took the under. I didn't think Gardy would let him play 8 innings. My bad). The Twinks answered back with runs in the first and third innings, making the score a 2-2 tie until the 11th inning. Unfortunately, the Tigers got one run in the top, and we couldn't answer back. My homeslice hero Jason "Renyt" Tyner had a few chances to be a hero, but went 0-5 last night. Which wasn't good. But, c'est la vie, and we got two more games against them this weekend. SKOL Twins.
In other news, I'd really like to thank the people who helped me out over the last couple days with my car troubles. AlFREDo, The Rooster, EG, Halsey, you guys bent over backwards and really came through when I needed you. Thanks a TON. I owe you one. you're good friends to have.
Now, I have to go shoe shopping for my fringe show, which everyone's coming to see, right??? And then I have rehearsal for said show... God help us all.
So, The Emotional Gremlin took me to a Twins game last night. We sat in the third row behind home plate. Liriano gave up two quick runs in the first, but then settled in and pitched one HELL of a game against a tough team. 12 strikeouts for the kid... which EG called on the nose (I took the under. I didn't think Gardy would let him play 8 innings. My bad). The Twinks answered back with runs in the first and third innings, making the score a 2-2 tie until the 11th inning. Unfortunately, the Tigers got one run in the top, and we couldn't answer back. My homeslice hero Jason "Renyt" Tyner had a few chances to be a hero, but went 0-5 last night. Which wasn't good. But, c'est la vie, and we got two more games against them this weekend. SKOL Twins.
In other news, I'd really like to thank the people who helped me out over the last couple days with my car troubles. AlFREDo, The Rooster, EG, Halsey, you guys bent over backwards and really came through when I needed you. Thanks a TON. I owe you one. you're good friends to have.
Now, I have to go shoe shopping for my fringe show, which everyone's coming to see, right??? And then I have rehearsal for said show... God help us all.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Way Things Are
Alright. Here's the thing. I have several issues here, and I'm going to list them in no particular order. (listening to: Sports Night Theme)
1) This blog is about the Madjai. People start posting my first and last name up here regularly, and I'm going to be upset. It's not that I take internet anonymity very seriously, but as a favor to me, I'm the Madjai. Thanks.
2) This is not a bashing ground. People who know me, know that I'm a pretty fair guy who tends to get too emotionally involved in other people's business. Some of my friends like this, because they think it means I care, and I want to be a part of their lives. It does. But it also makes me a fucking doormat sometimes, and that's my problem.
Walker, I love you. You've always been on my side, and you never let me get stupid about myself. There are times that you and I see eye to eye on a lot of things, and you're one of the most important people in my life. And because I love you, I think you'll take this the right way. Be nice. I fucked my own relationships up on my own, and those little pieces I have left of what's good in my life I'm trying to hold on to. I apologize for deleting your last comment, but don't think that I don't agree with it. Pieces of it, anyway. More on that in a minute.
Opal, you've always been a cheerleader, and I appreciate that about you, but in this much, Walker is right. Things don't always end up happily. In fact, people die alone in this world every day, and if others could fix that by telling each other that they just *know* everything is going to be ok, then we'd all be famous and rich. The fact is that just ain't so. Some people find the one they're looking for and live happily ever after with them, and others don't, and they die with the memories that for just a few years, they had someone they cared about more than anything else. Someone they cared about enough to not kill themselves because their life was shitty, but that person gave them hope enough to keep living. Even if it WAS stupid hope that would never come true.
To Daisy, I have brought enough bullshit into her life as it stands right now, and I'm not going to bring it up again by launching into it again here. She knows how I feel, and as much as I try, that's not going to change anytime soon. I wish it could.
3) This is MY blog. Everyone has their own, so if someone feels the need to snipe at someone, go to their blog and do it. I will not allow my friends to rip on each other here, and I will NOT let my problems be the cause of additional problems that are NOT my fault. If you want to tell me you're in my corner, please do. I need that right now. Every day sucks a little bit more ass than the last one, and what I need most right now are my friends telling me that I'm not the complete asshole I feel like. What I don't need are people telling me that I should be looking at this from the other side of the coin. Trust me when I tell you right now that I KNOW what the other side of the coin is, I've looked at this from all the angles, but until you've been where I am, and where Walker has been, you don't get to tell us that things are going to work out. Sometimes they just don't. But that doesn't mean we go hunting to hurt people's feelings. Not on my watch. Walker may seem like he's being mean, and it may come off that way, but he's being loyal. He's being a real friend, and while I think he's a bit off-base, and doesn't have all the information, he's been through this only about a million times bigger, so we're all going to cut him some slack.
Some of you have called, some have e-mailed, and everyone wants to be there, and for me to talk about it. I really don't want to, and I apologize if this has hurt some of your feelings. It's not personal, but I don't want to get into it, because it's still too close to home. I thank you for your support, and I DO need good friends right now. So comment away, but leave your comments for ME here. Take your others elsewhere. And that goes for everyone.
That's it, I'm done. *waves hand and leaves*
1) This blog is about the Madjai. People start posting my first and last name up here regularly, and I'm going to be upset. It's not that I take internet anonymity very seriously, but as a favor to me, I'm the Madjai. Thanks.
2) This is not a bashing ground. People who know me, know that I'm a pretty fair guy who tends to get too emotionally involved in other people's business. Some of my friends like this, because they think it means I care, and I want to be a part of their lives. It does. But it also makes me a fucking doormat sometimes, and that's my problem.
Walker, I love you. You've always been on my side, and you never let me get stupid about myself. There are times that you and I see eye to eye on a lot of things, and you're one of the most important people in my life. And because I love you, I think you'll take this the right way. Be nice. I fucked my own relationships up on my own, and those little pieces I have left of what's good in my life I'm trying to hold on to. I apologize for deleting your last comment, but don't think that I don't agree with it. Pieces of it, anyway. More on that in a minute.
Opal, you've always been a cheerleader, and I appreciate that about you, but in this much, Walker is right. Things don't always end up happily. In fact, people die alone in this world every day, and if others could fix that by telling each other that they just *know* everything is going to be ok, then we'd all be famous and rich. The fact is that just ain't so. Some people find the one they're looking for and live happily ever after with them, and others don't, and they die with the memories that for just a few years, they had someone they cared about more than anything else. Someone they cared about enough to not kill themselves because their life was shitty, but that person gave them hope enough to keep living. Even if it WAS stupid hope that would never come true.
To Daisy, I have brought enough bullshit into her life as it stands right now, and I'm not going to bring it up again by launching into it again here. She knows how I feel, and as much as I try, that's not going to change anytime soon. I wish it could.
3) This is MY blog. Everyone has their own, so if someone feels the need to snipe at someone, go to their blog and do it. I will not allow my friends to rip on each other here, and I will NOT let my problems be the cause of additional problems that are NOT my fault. If you want to tell me you're in my corner, please do. I need that right now. Every day sucks a little bit more ass than the last one, and what I need most right now are my friends telling me that I'm not the complete asshole I feel like. What I don't need are people telling me that I should be looking at this from the other side of the coin. Trust me when I tell you right now that I KNOW what the other side of the coin is, I've looked at this from all the angles, but until you've been where I am, and where Walker has been, you don't get to tell us that things are going to work out. Sometimes they just don't. But that doesn't mean we go hunting to hurt people's feelings. Not on my watch. Walker may seem like he's being mean, and it may come off that way, but he's being loyal. He's being a real friend, and while I think he's a bit off-base, and doesn't have all the information, he's been through this only about a million times bigger, so we're all going to cut him some slack.
Some of you have called, some have e-mailed, and everyone wants to be there, and for me to talk about it. I really don't want to, and I apologize if this has hurt some of your feelings. It's not personal, but I don't want to get into it, because it's still too close to home. I thank you for your support, and I DO need good friends right now. So comment away, but leave your comments for ME here. Take your others elsewhere. And that goes for everyone.
That's it, I'm done. *waves hand and leaves*
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Picking up the Pieces
Wow.. this one is going to be tough to write. (listening to: random bar music)
Couldn't go home after work tonight. Too much there that reminds me of something I both want to forget, and know that I don't really want to forget- what I really want is to selectively remember. This and that memory, I'll keep. Last night and selected other days I'd like to toss, please.
It's not really for me to post lengthily on this, and please don't call me and ask me if I "want to talk about it." Because I don't. I'm pretty sure that even forcing me to think about what all has happened in the last 24 hours is enough to make me want to hurt something. A lot. Suffice to say, Someone who I thought was very close to me has made a very important life choice recently (or, as I found out, a while ago), and that choice precludes us being close anymore. Such is life, I suppose.
I find myself in the oddest state of being. I'd really like to hate. To be so angry, and rip things up and burn them, but I can't. I find that I harbor, honestly, no anger towards the other person, but rather only to myself for allowing this charade to go on as long as it has. It's ironic that I have no one to be angry at except myself, and I don't even really think I did anything wrong. Maybe someday when I die, God will show me what I should have done differently, and this will all make sense, but until then, I'm stuck with a big plate of Mama Zlata's Self-Loathing on All-You-Can-Eat night.
Little pieces that have memory attached to them don't become repulsive to me, but rather precious. Piling them all into a box was not the act of anger, but more of an almost scientific experiment to see if I had enough pieces of tiny happiness to, voltron-like, construct a whole. Turns out I don't. And the curvy writing that was hard enough to read with a smile acros my face is even more difficult through tears to decipher. It's only the fact that my cursed photographic memory has memorized those words so very long ago that their meaning comes unbidden to my mind. I wrapped myself in them like a cocoon, hoping that when I came out of them, I'd find that I had grown wings in the interim, and could fly out here on their multi-colored freedom. Alas, I could not. A caterpillar I remain.
Well, perhaps at the very worst, I'll be able to construct an entire emo album out of this event. When life gives you lemons... No.. I can't make lemonade out of this, I want to, I really do.. I just can't.
I need real friends. Please tell me you're out there, and that yes, Madjai, you're an idiot. But you're our idiot, and we still love you.
Couldn't go home after work tonight. Too much there that reminds me of something I both want to forget, and know that I don't really want to forget- what I really want is to selectively remember. This and that memory, I'll keep. Last night and selected other days I'd like to toss, please.
It's not really for me to post lengthily on this, and please don't call me and ask me if I "want to talk about it." Because I don't. I'm pretty sure that even forcing me to think about what all has happened in the last 24 hours is enough to make me want to hurt something. A lot. Suffice to say, Someone who I thought was very close to me has made a very important life choice recently (or, as I found out, a while ago), and that choice precludes us being close anymore. Such is life, I suppose.
I find myself in the oddest state of being. I'd really like to hate. To be so angry, and rip things up and burn them, but I can't. I find that I harbor, honestly, no anger towards the other person, but rather only to myself for allowing this charade to go on as long as it has. It's ironic that I have no one to be angry at except myself, and I don't even really think I did anything wrong. Maybe someday when I die, God will show me what I should have done differently, and this will all make sense, but until then, I'm stuck with a big plate of Mama Zlata's Self-Loathing on All-You-Can-Eat night.
Little pieces that have memory attached to them don't become repulsive to me, but rather precious. Piling them all into a box was not the act of anger, but more of an almost scientific experiment to see if I had enough pieces of tiny happiness to, voltron-like, construct a whole. Turns out I don't. And the curvy writing that was hard enough to read with a smile acros my face is even more difficult through tears to decipher. It's only the fact that my cursed photographic memory has memorized those words so very long ago that their meaning comes unbidden to my mind. I wrapped myself in them like a cocoon, hoping that when I came out of them, I'd find that I had grown wings in the interim, and could fly out here on their multi-colored freedom. Alas, I could not. A caterpillar I remain.
Well, perhaps at the very worst, I'll be able to construct an entire emo album out of this event. When life gives you lemons... No.. I can't make lemonade out of this, I want to, I really do.. I just can't.
I need real friends. Please tell me you're out there, and that yes, Madjai, you're an idiot. But you're our idiot, and we still love you.
Monday, June 12, 2006
A.E. Housman
From: A Shropshire Lad (listening to: a gentle breeze)
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard a wise man say,
`Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.'
But I was one-and-twenty
No use to talk to me.
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
`The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
'Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.'
And I am two-and-twenty
And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.
If truth in hearts that perish
Could move the powers on high,
I think the love I bear you
Should make you not to die.
Sure, sure, if stedfast meaning,
If single thought could save,
The world might end to-morrow,
You should not see the grave.
This long and sure-set liking,
This boundless will to please,
-- Oh, you should live for ever,
If there were help in these.
But now, since all is idle,
To this lost heart be kind,
Ere to a town you journey
Where friends are ill to find.
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Shot? so quick, so clean an ending?
Oh that was right, lad, that was brave:
Yours was not an ill for mending,
'Twas best to take it to the grave.
Oh you had forethought, you could reason,
And saw your road and where it led,
And early wise and brave in season
Put the pistol to your head.
Oh soon, and better so than later
After long disgrace and scorn,
You shot dead the household traitor,
The soul that should not have been born.
Right you guessed the rising morrow
And scorned to tread the mire you must:
Dust's your wages, son of sorrow,
But men may come to worse than dust.
Souls undone, undoing others, --
Long time since the tale began.
You would not live to wrong your brothers:
Oh lad, you died as fits a man.
Now to your grave shall friend and stranger
With ruth and some with envy come:
Undishonoured, clear of danger,
Clean of guilt, pass hence and home.
Turn safe to rest, no dreams, no waking;
And here, man, here's the wreath I've made:
'Tis not a gift that's worth the taking,
But wear it and it will not fade.
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard a wise man say,
`Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.'
But I was one-and-twenty
No use to talk to me.
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
`The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
'Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.'
And I am two-and-twenty
And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.
If truth in hearts that perish
Could move the powers on high,
I think the love I bear you
Should make you not to die.
Sure, sure, if stedfast meaning,
If single thought could save,
The world might end to-morrow,
You should not see the grave.
This long and sure-set liking,
This boundless will to please,
-- Oh, you should live for ever,
If there were help in these.
But now, since all is idle,
To this lost heart be kind,
Ere to a town you journey
Where friends are ill to find.
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Shot? so quick, so clean an ending?
Oh that was right, lad, that was brave:
Yours was not an ill for mending,
'Twas best to take it to the grave.
Oh you had forethought, you could reason,
And saw your road and where it led,
And early wise and brave in season
Put the pistol to your head.
Oh soon, and better so than later
After long disgrace and scorn,
You shot dead the household traitor,
The soul that should not have been born.
Right you guessed the rising morrow
And scorned to tread the mire you must:
Dust's your wages, son of sorrow,
But men may come to worse than dust.
Souls undone, undoing others, --
Long time since the tale began.
You would not live to wrong your brothers:
Oh lad, you died as fits a man.
Now to your grave shall friend and stranger
With ruth and some with envy come:
Undishonoured, clear of danger,
Clean of guilt, pass hence and home.
Turn safe to rest, no dreams, no waking;
And here, man, here's the wreath I've made:
'Tis not a gift that's worth the taking,
But wear it and it will not fade.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
While some things change...
Some things stay the same. (listening to: Complete, total silence)
So, here's the thrust. You don't hear many girls nowadays say "I can't, I'm washing my hair." And why don't we hear that? Because guys figured out the code. We know now that it just means you ladies aren't interested, and that we should bugger off, save our pride. So, you had to get creative. Well, in the recent past, a giant e-vite must have gone around to all the world's women and they all got together in front of the sacred council of the Y chromosome and while drinking completely organic tea and eating boca burgers, it was decreed that the phrase "I can't, I'm washing my hair" would be replaced with "You know, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now."
And the catch is, we men.. we actually believed that. After all, it seemed reasonable. And you ladies... you took a page from our book and explained things logically. "I just got out of a bad relationship, and I need some time off." or "I'm just really busy with my career right now." These, on the surface, seem like rational arguments. But the thing is ladies, you really should all compare notes with each other and eased this parlance into usage. When too many of y'all use it on the same guy.. the jig is up. And this guy has found out your code.
Guys, this clever and seemingly-rational turn of phrase holds no more truth than what it replaced. Sure, maybe they really are just "washing their hair." But in all likelihood, it's not that they don't want a relationship. They just don't want one with you.
It's a hard fact to get used to. Trust me.
So, here's the thrust. You don't hear many girls nowadays say "I can't, I'm washing my hair." And why don't we hear that? Because guys figured out the code. We know now that it just means you ladies aren't interested, and that we should bugger off, save our pride. So, you had to get creative. Well, in the recent past, a giant e-vite must have gone around to all the world's women and they all got together in front of the sacred council of the Y chromosome and while drinking completely organic tea and eating boca burgers, it was decreed that the phrase "I can't, I'm washing my hair" would be replaced with "You know, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now."
And the catch is, we men.. we actually believed that. After all, it seemed reasonable. And you ladies... you took a page from our book and explained things logically. "I just got out of a bad relationship, and I need some time off." or "I'm just really busy with my career right now." These, on the surface, seem like rational arguments. But the thing is ladies, you really should all compare notes with each other and eased this parlance into usage. When too many of y'all use it on the same guy.. the jig is up. And this guy has found out your code.
Guys, this clever and seemingly-rational turn of phrase holds no more truth than what it replaced. Sure, maybe they really are just "washing their hair." But in all likelihood, it's not that they don't want a relationship. They just don't want one with you.
It's a hard fact to get used to. Trust me.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? (listening to: "Some Postman" by Presidents)
So, for the more observant of you, you've already noticed that I've added a show to the news page on my website. The show is Theatre Pro Rata's MACHINAL, and I was offered a really good role (a couple, really) in it. However, One of the performances takes place on the same night my friend Biggy is getting married, so after some deliberation and talking with people very close to me, I've decided that I can't perform in that production. The theatre company was VERY accomodating, and even offered to move the showtime out to 8:00pm to allow me to drive back that night. I just couldn't do that to myself, or to Biggy. This is a huge deal, and I committed to him first. So, that's that.
I'm kind of upset about it, though. Not at Biggy, at all, or really, at anyone but myself. I keep thinking that something is going to work out for me. That I'll end up getting something to work, and that once that happens, everything will be ok. But nothing comes, and the little victories turn into little mediocrities, and then, eventually, those just turn into "thought-I-had"s. I fell like I'm not really an actor lately, and For the last eight years, that's all I've ever wanted. I feel like I keep putting it off, keep saying that there will be time, that I just have to give myself time. I'm 24, and right now, the only thing keeping me alive is my day job, which I don't really like that much. Not that anyone likes their day job, but the point is that the one thing that always made me really happy (that wasn't a person), I feel like I'm letting go. Or pushing it off. I don't know, maybe I'm just feeling insecure with everything going on around me lately. Stay tuned, though.. I've gotten the last five auditions I've been to, so... there'll be a show coming up. In the meantime, there's always Comedy Sportz.
In music news, I've cought up with the rest of the world and fell in love with The Postal Service (the band, not the government agency). They're fantastic. Also, I've rediscovered The Presidents of the United States of America. I highly recommend checking out the song I'm listening to right now. Run, don't walk.
Otherwise, not much is going on. Work is getting interesting. There was a new position just posted at the same company for a job I think I'd like a lot more, so I need to figure out how to tactfully going about applying for that job. It's going to suck if I have to leave my coworkers in the support trenches, but.. I have to do what's right for me.. plus it's got a pay raise. And more money is definitely needed for the Giant Black Beast that is the PS3. If you haven't heard, the damn thing is $599. And on launch day, I won't be surprised if I find myself $1000 lighter. Yes, really. So, If you'd like to make a donation, feel free to do so. Any gift helps- for the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can help save the gaming world of the Madjai. And since he doesn't have many friends to hang out with anymore since leaving college and all, he needs the distraction. Won't you please save the children?
I mentioned Comedy Sportz earlier. I'm serious about coming. Some of you have been more than once (only one of you is probably reading this), but others of you haven't, and you should come. You know who you are. I was sent out on my first remote show the other day. It was a 30-minute show at a church. It was pretty interesting. A lot different feel to it than a theatre show, but the money is almost insanely better- forcing me to wonder just where all the money is going. It's probably keeping the doors open in the theatre in some business-y way I have no concept of.. but I'm young, and allowed to be greedy. Anyway, day by day my CSz shows are getting better, so in about a year, I should be a valued and contributing member of that society.
I want to go see XMen 3. I've got no one to go with... can I really go by myself? We'll find out, I guess...
(CW)TM out.
So, for the more observant of you, you've already noticed that I've added a show to the news page on my website. The show is Theatre Pro Rata's MACHINAL, and I was offered a really good role (a couple, really) in it. However, One of the performances takes place on the same night my friend Biggy is getting married, so after some deliberation and talking with people very close to me, I've decided that I can't perform in that production. The theatre company was VERY accomodating, and even offered to move the showtime out to 8:00pm to allow me to drive back that night. I just couldn't do that to myself, or to Biggy. This is a huge deal, and I committed to him first. So, that's that.
I'm kind of upset about it, though. Not at Biggy, at all, or really, at anyone but myself. I keep thinking that something is going to work out for me. That I'll end up getting something to work, and that once that happens, everything will be ok. But nothing comes, and the little victories turn into little mediocrities, and then, eventually, those just turn into "thought-I-had"s. I fell like I'm not really an actor lately, and For the last eight years, that's all I've ever wanted. I feel like I keep putting it off, keep saying that there will be time, that I just have to give myself time. I'm 24, and right now, the only thing keeping me alive is my day job, which I don't really like that much. Not that anyone likes their day job, but the point is that the one thing that always made me really happy (that wasn't a person), I feel like I'm letting go. Or pushing it off. I don't know, maybe I'm just feeling insecure with everything going on around me lately. Stay tuned, though.. I've gotten the last five auditions I've been to, so... there'll be a show coming up. In the meantime, there's always Comedy Sportz.
In music news, I've cought up with the rest of the world and fell in love with The Postal Service (the band, not the government agency). They're fantastic. Also, I've rediscovered The Presidents of the United States of America. I highly recommend checking out the song I'm listening to right now. Run, don't walk.
Otherwise, not much is going on. Work is getting interesting. There was a new position just posted at the same company for a job I think I'd like a lot more, so I need to figure out how to tactfully going about applying for that job. It's going to suck if I have to leave my coworkers in the support trenches, but.. I have to do what's right for me.. plus it's got a pay raise. And more money is definitely needed for the Giant Black Beast that is the PS3. If you haven't heard, the damn thing is $599. And on launch day, I won't be surprised if I find myself $1000 lighter. Yes, really. So, If you'd like to make a donation, feel free to do so. Any gift helps- for the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can help save the gaming world of the Madjai. And since he doesn't have many friends to hang out with anymore since leaving college and all, he needs the distraction. Won't you please save the children?
I mentioned Comedy Sportz earlier. I'm serious about coming. Some of you have been more than once (only one of you is probably reading this), but others of you haven't, and you should come. You know who you are. I was sent out on my first remote show the other day. It was a 30-minute show at a church. It was pretty interesting. A lot different feel to it than a theatre show, but the money is almost insanely better- forcing me to wonder just where all the money is going. It's probably keeping the doors open in the theatre in some business-y way I have no concept of.. but I'm young, and allowed to be greedy. Anyway, day by day my CSz shows are getting better, so in about a year, I should be a valued and contributing member of that society.
I want to go see XMen 3. I've got no one to go with... can I really go by myself? We'll find out, I guess...
(CW)TM out.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This is what happiness is.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Just like friggin' Mozart
I'm taking commissions. (listening to: "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik")
So, All the things going on in my life right now are either too personal, too painful, too boring, or too stupid to actually blog about. But, Van-Wilder-like, it took a friend to remind me that I have one skill left untapped. My narrative skills.
So, I'm taking commissions, folks. I will write a short blog (5-6 paragraphs) about a character of your choosing in an interesting or dangerous situation. Here's what I need from you:
1) The name or occupation of the character.
2) A non-geographical location
3) A form of non-monetary, non-negotiable payment.
#3 is the trick. I don't care how you pay me, but I don't want money, and I don't want goods. I'm not Kyle McDonald, and even if money is promised, you'll never pay me anyway. Be creative in how you pay me back, and I'll be creative with your character.
Ready? Steady? Go.
PS- Happy Birthday, Daisy
So, All the things going on in my life right now are either too personal, too painful, too boring, or too stupid to actually blog about. But, Van-Wilder-like, it took a friend to remind me that I have one skill left untapped. My narrative skills.
So, I'm taking commissions, folks. I will write a short blog (5-6 paragraphs) about a character of your choosing in an interesting or dangerous situation. Here's what I need from you:
1) The name or occupation of the character.
2) A non-geographical location
3) A form of non-monetary, non-negotiable payment.
#3 is the trick. I don't care how you pay me, but I don't want money, and I don't want goods. I'm not Kyle McDonald, and even if money is promised, you'll never pay me anyway. Be creative in how you pay me back, and I'll be creative with your character.
Ready? Steady? Go.
PS- Happy Birthday, Daisy
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Two Teams Enter... And, well.. They Both Leave, Too.
Schedule update! (Listening to: "Say it Ain't So," by Weezer)
My April Comedy Sportz Schedule:
April 7th - 8pm - Sound / Announcing
April 7th - 10:30pm - Playing
April 8th - 8pm - Playing
April 8th - 10:30pm - Sound / Announcing
April 29th - 8pm - Playing
April 29th - 10:30pm - Playing
Come and partake of the festivus!
My April Comedy Sportz Schedule:
April 7th - 8pm - Sound / Announcing
April 7th - 10:30pm - Playing
April 8th - 8pm - Playing
April 8th - 10:30pm - Sound / Announcing
April 29th - 8pm - Playing
April 29th - 10:30pm - Playing
Come and partake of the festivus!
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Weather Is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful!
Greetings from the land of "Those who would challenge Federal Law!" (listening to: "How Come" by D12)
Yes, here I sit in South Dakota, anxiously awaiting... anything to happen. Anything at all. Any time now... No? Alright then. I think Godot is stopping by this afternoon. Maybe he'll want to go do something.
The college has changed a bit, more of an internal feeling than a cosmetic one. The theater lobby is now a place of mania. Where there was once Jordan, Daisy, myself and a few others (sometimes Biggy) sitting around being stupid, there is now literally a dozen students running around singing showtunes (Yes, really) and calling each other "lover." Were we ever like this, I ask? Was this us, four years ago? I don't remember..
I'm looking forward to seeing BNi play tonight, and I'm going to try and fanagle my way into at least one game with them while I'm here. We'll see how that works out. The roads driving down here last night were awful. Ice all the way from Jackson to Worthington. Scary stuff. But, AJ kept me focused, and the tunes rocking and didn't fall asleep once. I was so proud.
Not much else going on around here, so I don't have a whole lot to share with you. I just got my headshots back, so once I've narrowed the field a bit, I'll hopefully be able to post a few up here and get the popular opinion on them. STAY TUNED!!
PS- For those very few of you who haven't weighed in on My Johari Window yet, please do. You know who you are.
PPS- Next post will be witty! Promise!
PPPS- I caved and got a myspace. Please don't make me regret it. *sigh*
Yes, here I sit in South Dakota, anxiously awaiting... anything to happen. Anything at all. Any time now... No? Alright then. I think Godot is stopping by this afternoon. Maybe he'll want to go do something.
The college has changed a bit, more of an internal feeling than a cosmetic one. The theater lobby is now a place of mania. Where there was once Jordan, Daisy, myself and a few others (sometimes Biggy) sitting around being stupid, there is now literally a dozen students running around singing showtunes (Yes, really) and calling each other "lover." Were we ever like this, I ask? Was this us, four years ago? I don't remember..
I'm looking forward to seeing BNi play tonight, and I'm going to try and fanagle my way into at least one game with them while I'm here. We'll see how that works out. The roads driving down here last night were awful. Ice all the way from Jackson to Worthington. Scary stuff. But, AJ kept me focused, and the tunes rocking and didn't fall asleep once. I was so proud.
Not much else going on around here, so I don't have a whole lot to share with you. I just got my headshots back, so once I've narrowed the field a bit, I'll hopefully be able to post a few up here and get the popular opinion on them. STAY TUNED!!
PS- For those very few of you who haven't weighed in on My Johari Window yet, please do. You know who you are.
PPS- Next post will be witty! Promise!
PPPS- I caved and got a myspace. Please don't make me regret it. *sigh*
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Bible Study
EDIT: Not really worthy of a whole new post, but please, if you've read the post below, then this is new content: My Johari Window. Click that and pick six words from the grid that you think describe me best. You'll see what I picked, and what others chose. Could be interesting. Give it a shot? Thanks. And, now, back to the action....
So, since I inspired a post on Jeremy's Blog, I thought it only fitting that he got equal treatment. Plus, it's Ash Wednesday, the beginning day of Lent. (listening to: "Awesome God" by Jars of Clay... really.)
I'm going to quote the Bible now. I'm serious. You can look it up, this is actually from the Bible:
GENESIS 9:20-25
And Noah began [to be] an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid [it] upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces [were] backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
What? Seriously? Noah got upset that his son saw him naked after a drunken binge, and cursed his line forever? And thus began the curse of the Canaanites? I'm curious as to what we're supposed to learn from this particular Biblical passage. I don't forsee many sermons or homilies on the topic, and I doubt anyone will have it read by their cousins at their weddings. Who put this in here in the first place?
Well, I'm so glad you asked. Here, in Dialogue form, is my interpretation of how this passage made the final Biblical cut.
TIME: Sometime long ago AD
PLACE: England, High Templar Council
Templar Leader: "Alright, everyone. Thanks for coming today. We're going to try and get this done today so we can get these Bibles out within the next hundred years. *laughter* Ok... Let's decide what stays and what goes. I guess, let's just go aroudn the table and have everyone say what they think should be kept in the Bible, and why. Templar Fundir, you go first."
Templar Fundir: "Alright, *ahem* Umm, I really think the whole story with Jonah and the big fish should stay. It's a good story, and it shows how we can change God's mind if we repent."
Templar Leader: "Agreed. Ok. That's in. Templar Gridmal?"
Templar Gridmal: "Yeah, I think we can't have the Bible without the Eve and the Serpent story.. it really moves the whole Garden of Eden narrative along and forces some conflict."
Templar Leader: "Totally. Yeah. We'll put that towards the beginning, then."
*Templar Moordok barges in, late for the meeting and reeking of mead*
Templar Moordok: "Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy Everybody!! What'sh going on???"
Templar Leader: "Moordok, we're working. We don't have time for your drunken ramblings. Go sober up, and come back tomorrow."
Templar Moordok: "Awwwww... Come oonnn, buddy! Don't be such a buzzkill! I'll be cool. I can even help! What're we doing? Ohh!!!! Bible work!!! I'm TOTALLY in. I've got the BEST idea for a story. Peep this- What if... like.. NOAH.. you know.. the boat guy? What if he like, gets off the boat... and is the first guy to make wine in the new Earth? That'd be AWESOME! He could, like, make wine, and get totally drunk, and then like, PASS OUT NAKED in his tent! That'd be schweet!"
Templar Leader: "*sigh* Moordok, that's stupid. We're trying to do some serious work here. Can you please leave so we can get this done?"
Templar Moordok: "And then... And then... like.. His son TOTALLY walks into his tent.. and SEES him naked! *drunken laughter* And he tells his brothers, and they're all like, 'Oh, man! That's horrible! You had to see Dad naked!' And they like, don't want to see him naked, so they walk in backwards and cover him up! And then.. and, and, and then.. Noah's really embarrased, right? So he yells at his son for coming in without knocking!!"
Templar Leader: "That's very creative, Moordok. Why don't you go write it all down and send us a copy. And we'll think about it."
Templar Moordok: *suddenly very serious* "Don't you tell me what to do. You're not the boss of me! You're always telling me what to do, and I never get to have a say in it. You'll put my story in the Bible, or I won't be held responsible for what happens."
Templar Leader: "Don't you dare threaten a Templar! Moordok, you're so drunk you couldn't even lift a pike, let alon--"
*Moordok throws his pike into Gridmal's chest, killing him instantly. He then draws his axe and slams it into the table*
Templar Leader: "SWEET GOD, MOORDOK!!! ALRIGHT! Just stop! We'll put your story in the Bible.. just... Enough!"
*Moordok raises his mead jug to his lips again, draining it in one mighty drink*
Templar Moordok: "That's right you will. I didn't want it to come to this. But y'all better recognize the skills next time. I'm out. Oh.. and one more thing. My boss is a Jewish Carpenter. Jesus 4 life."
Those english, man.. they can really drink.
So, since I inspired a post on Jeremy's Blog, I thought it only fitting that he got equal treatment. Plus, it's Ash Wednesday, the beginning day of Lent. (listening to: "Awesome God" by Jars of Clay... really.)
I'm going to quote the Bible now. I'm serious. You can look it up, this is actually from the Bible:
GENESIS 9:20-25
And Noah began [to be] an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid [it] upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces [were] backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
What? Seriously? Noah got upset that his son saw him naked after a drunken binge, and cursed his line forever? And thus began the curse of the Canaanites? I'm curious as to what we're supposed to learn from this particular Biblical passage. I don't forsee many sermons or homilies on the topic, and I doubt anyone will have it read by their cousins at their weddings. Who put this in here in the first place?
Well, I'm so glad you asked. Here, in Dialogue form, is my interpretation of how this passage made the final Biblical cut.
TIME: Sometime long ago AD
PLACE: England, High Templar Council
Templar Leader: "Alright, everyone. Thanks for coming today. We're going to try and get this done today so we can get these Bibles out within the next hundred years. *laughter* Ok... Let's decide what stays and what goes. I guess, let's just go aroudn the table and have everyone say what they think should be kept in the Bible, and why. Templar Fundir, you go first."
Templar Fundir: "Alright, *ahem* Umm, I really think the whole story with Jonah and the big fish should stay. It's a good story, and it shows how we can change God's mind if we repent."
Templar Leader: "Agreed. Ok. That's in. Templar Gridmal?"
Templar Gridmal: "Yeah, I think we can't have the Bible without the Eve and the Serpent story.. it really moves the whole Garden of Eden narrative along and forces some conflict."
Templar Leader: "Totally. Yeah. We'll put that towards the beginning, then."
*Templar Moordok barges in, late for the meeting and reeking of mead*
Templar Moordok: "Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy Everybody!! What'sh going on???"
Templar Leader: "Moordok, we're working. We don't have time for your drunken ramblings. Go sober up, and come back tomorrow."
Templar Moordok: "Awwwww... Come oonnn, buddy! Don't be such a buzzkill! I'll be cool. I can even help! What're we doing? Ohh!!!! Bible work!!! I'm TOTALLY in. I've got the BEST idea for a story. Peep this- What if... like.. NOAH.. you know.. the boat guy? What if he like, gets off the boat... and is the first guy to make wine in the new Earth? That'd be AWESOME! He could, like, make wine, and get totally drunk, and then like, PASS OUT NAKED in his tent! That'd be schweet!"
Templar Leader: "*sigh* Moordok, that's stupid. We're trying to do some serious work here. Can you please leave so we can get this done?"
Templar Moordok: "And then... And then... like.. His son TOTALLY walks into his tent.. and SEES him naked! *drunken laughter* And he tells his brothers, and they're all like, 'Oh, man! That's horrible! You had to see Dad naked!' And they like, don't want to see him naked, so they walk in backwards and cover him up! And then.. and, and, and then.. Noah's really embarrased, right? So he yells at his son for coming in without knocking!!"
Templar Leader: "That's very creative, Moordok. Why don't you go write it all down and send us a copy. And we'll think about it."
Templar Moordok: *suddenly very serious* "Don't you tell me what to do. You're not the boss of me! You're always telling me what to do, and I never get to have a say in it. You'll put my story in the Bible, or I won't be held responsible for what happens."
Templar Leader: "Don't you dare threaten a Templar! Moordok, you're so drunk you couldn't even lift a pike, let alon--"
*Moordok throws his pike into Gridmal's chest, killing him instantly. He then draws his axe and slams it into the table*
Templar Leader: "SWEET GOD, MOORDOK!!! ALRIGHT! Just stop! We'll put your story in the Bible.. just... Enough!"
*Moordok raises his mead jug to his lips again, draining it in one mighty drink*
Templar Moordok: "That's right you will. I didn't want it to come to this. But y'all better recognize the skills next time. I'm out. Oh.. and one more thing. My boss is a Jewish Carpenter. Jesus 4 life."
Those english, man.. they can really drink.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Three-Day Weekend, and Turning Over a New Leaf
Time for a new beginning. (listening to: "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd)
So.. how's everyone been? Good? Excellent.
I find myself at the end of a three-day weekend, and so much has happened in these three tiny days, I stagger at the weight of it.
First of all, if you have the means, and are in the area, go see Daisy's Show. It's pretty good, and if you're into old-school melodrama with a dash of audience interaction, I think you'll love it. She's fantastic in it, but this should come as no surprise to anyone who knows her. It's showing at the Bloomington Civic Theatre's Black box, (you'll have to check out City Pages web site -> calendar -> theatre for times and prices. The BCT website doesn't list it. Go. Right now.)
On top of that, it's just been insanity. I don't really want to get into it here, but it's the end of a very long era, and while I'm still in shock from it ending quite so suddenly, I'm hoping it brings happiness and relief to those involved. And.. that's all I really have to say about it. I'm sorry.
On a sidenote, I've been spending more time lately going over some of my old college religion texts. I really miss pounding through them. I'm going to take a piece of my bonus check at work, and go buy some more. Going through one of them in particular really awoke in me something I've been missing, and it's spurred me to a rather interesting decision: I'm going to go back to teaching confirmation.
The lutheran faith has this cute little "ceremony" that teenagers go through where they study the faith, and in a couple years, they go through "confirmation," which basically means they accept and re-confirm their baptism. I used to teach this when I was in High School with my oldest friend Dan, and I'd forgotten why I did it. I want to get back into going to church and getting people to actually THINK about their faith, rather than just blindly singing hymns and going through the motions. Maybe in this I'll find some peace to offset the chaos of late. Who knows, it'll be worth it no matter what. To be part of someone's faith again... I miss that.
So, I've sent out e-mails to a couple of the churches nearby me, and let them know my background, and my philosophy on faith. If they bite, awesome. If they're afraid of it, then I'll move on.
All in all, I'm sad, confused, and desperately wishing I knew what to say to make things better. But maybe I just need to start climbing out of the cave where I've been watching these fake-ass reflections of life and actually start living my own.
God be with me.
EDIT: Quoting-- "The intelligent design movement belittles God. It makes God a designer, an engineer," said Vatican Observatory Director George Coyne, an astrophysicist who is also ordained. "The God of religious faith is a god of love. He did not design me."
It's idiotic stuff like this that makes intelligent christians the source of mockery everywhere. God did not design you? Who are YOU to tell God what he did and did not do! *rage*
So.. how's everyone been? Good? Excellent.
I find myself at the end of a three-day weekend, and so much has happened in these three tiny days, I stagger at the weight of it.
First of all, if you have the means, and are in the area, go see Daisy's Show. It's pretty good, and if you're into old-school melodrama with a dash of audience interaction, I think you'll love it. She's fantastic in it, but this should come as no surprise to anyone who knows her. It's showing at the Bloomington Civic Theatre's Black box, (you'll have to check out City Pages web site -> calendar -> theatre for times and prices. The BCT website doesn't list it. Go. Right now.)
On top of that, it's just been insanity. I don't really want to get into it here, but it's the end of a very long era, and while I'm still in shock from it ending quite so suddenly, I'm hoping it brings happiness and relief to those involved. And.. that's all I really have to say about it. I'm sorry.
On a sidenote, I've been spending more time lately going over some of my old college religion texts. I really miss pounding through them. I'm going to take a piece of my bonus check at work, and go buy some more. Going through one of them in particular really awoke in me something I've been missing, and it's spurred me to a rather interesting decision: I'm going to go back to teaching confirmation.
The lutheran faith has this cute little "ceremony" that teenagers go through where they study the faith, and in a couple years, they go through "confirmation," which basically means they accept and re-confirm their baptism. I used to teach this when I was in High School with my oldest friend Dan, and I'd forgotten why I did it. I want to get back into going to church and getting people to actually THINK about their faith, rather than just blindly singing hymns and going through the motions. Maybe in this I'll find some peace to offset the chaos of late. Who knows, it'll be worth it no matter what. To be part of someone's faith again... I miss that.
So, I've sent out e-mails to a couple of the churches nearby me, and let them know my background, and my philosophy on faith. If they bite, awesome. If they're afraid of it, then I'll move on.
All in all, I'm sad, confused, and desperately wishing I knew what to say to make things better. But maybe I just need to start climbing out of the cave where I've been watching these fake-ass reflections of life and actually start living my own.
God be with me.
EDIT: Quoting-- "The intelligent design movement belittles God. It makes God a designer, an engineer," said Vatican Observatory Director George Coyne, an astrophysicist who is also ordained. "The God of religious faith is a god of love. He did not design me."
It's idiotic stuff like this that makes intelligent christians the source of mockery everywhere. God did not design you? Who are YOU to tell God what he did and did not do! *rage*
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wishes for a lost love
by Sean Williams
(reprinted with permission of the author)
I wish for you these things.
I wish you every moment of happiness
I wish you laughter every day, so that you may know the joy you bring to others
I wish you games and play
I wish you footrubs and backrubs and belly rubs
I wish you warmth and comfort
I wish you footlights and spotlights and light in your soul
I wish you the love of God, so that you may know you are never alone
I wish you food and taste, so you may know contentment and flavor
I wish you naps, so you may know rest
I wish you peace
I wish you success and fortune
I wish you eyes wide open, so you may see all the gifts around you
I wish you candlelight and moonlight, so you may know all good things are not easily seen
I wish you kisses and caresses, so you may know bliss
I wish you snow-covered nights, so you may know beauty
I wish you a kitten's purr, so you may know love given freely
I wish you time, that you may know how fleeting it is
I wish you tea, that you may know warmth from within
I wish you hot baths
I wish you a mirror, so you may see what others see in you
But above all these things,
I wish you love.
For you brought that gift to me, and I can never repay it.
May all these things come to you, so that you may know life.
by Sean Williams
(reprinted with permission of the author)
I wish for you these things.
I wish you every moment of happiness
I wish you laughter every day, so that you may know the joy you bring to others
I wish you games and play
I wish you footrubs and backrubs and belly rubs
I wish you warmth and comfort
I wish you footlights and spotlights and light in your soul
I wish you the love of God, so that you may know you are never alone
I wish you food and taste, so you may know contentment and flavor
I wish you naps, so you may know rest
I wish you peace
I wish you success and fortune
I wish you eyes wide open, so you may see all the gifts around you
I wish you candlelight and moonlight, so you may know all good things are not easily seen
I wish you kisses and caresses, so you may know bliss
I wish you snow-covered nights, so you may know beauty
I wish you a kitten's purr, so you may know love given freely
I wish you time, that you may know how fleeting it is
I wish you tea, that you may know warmth from within
I wish you hot baths
I wish you a mirror, so you may see what others see in you
But above all these things,
I wish you love.
For you brought that gift to me, and I can never repay it.
May all these things come to you, so that you may know life.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
What is Love? (Baby, don't hurt me...)
So... I ripped the title of this post off from an early 90's pop song. Sue me. (listening to: High, by Feeder)
Is Love a feeling that you have, something that you share with someone, or something that is shown by what you do?
For example, if I think that I'm in love with someone who doesn't love me back, am I really in love? If and when I get over that feeling, will I look back on it and say, "Boy.. was I wrong about that." Or, will I always carry that scar and learn to bear it proudly, saying "This hurt, but I'm stronger for it."
Or, is love only really love when you have someone to share it with? Someone you lie next to and stay awake just to hear them fall asleep, and then mumble under their breath something only for you to hear (and possibly make fun of them later for)? Someone who can look into your eyes and see you just as you see them when you look into theirs? Is THAT what love means?
Or, finally, is it Love only when someone can look at the things you've done and say, "Wow. That person must really be in love with that other person. Look at what they've done." Can two people love each other without ever telling the other person? My friend Daisy, ironically, is fascinated with unrequited love. Is love still unrequited if both people feel the same way, but never actually say the words?
Or is it some combination of these? Can I love someone who doesn't love me, never share that love with them, but show how much I love them by giving up my love and allowing them to love another? Giving them up truly, completely, knowing they will never feel the same way for you no matter how much you give them? Or is it only really love when both people agree that they are "in love," and willing to do whatever it takes to preserve such an amazing occurance? When you consider the odds that the person you love actually loves you back, and that one of you is willing to say it... well, it's staggering just how unlikely that is compared with the heartbreak that occurs nearly every single hour of every day. From some pigtailed girl circling "No," to the wife who can't take not loving her husband anymore and leaves him... it seems that love is doomed almost from the start. Maybe it's better never to have loved at all, if the end of the road is so much more likely to end in pain.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me,
Baby don't hurt me,
No more.
Is Love a feeling that you have, something that you share with someone, or something that is shown by what you do?
For example, if I think that I'm in love with someone who doesn't love me back, am I really in love? If and when I get over that feeling, will I look back on it and say, "Boy.. was I wrong about that." Or, will I always carry that scar and learn to bear it proudly, saying "This hurt, but I'm stronger for it."
Or, is love only really love when you have someone to share it with? Someone you lie next to and stay awake just to hear them fall asleep, and then mumble under their breath something only for you to hear (and possibly make fun of them later for)? Someone who can look into your eyes and see you just as you see them when you look into theirs? Is THAT what love means?
Or, finally, is it Love only when someone can look at the things you've done and say, "Wow. That person must really be in love with that other person. Look at what they've done." Can two people love each other without ever telling the other person? My friend Daisy, ironically, is fascinated with unrequited love. Is love still unrequited if both people feel the same way, but never actually say the words?
Or is it some combination of these? Can I love someone who doesn't love me, never share that love with them, but show how much I love them by giving up my love and allowing them to love another? Giving them up truly, completely, knowing they will never feel the same way for you no matter how much you give them? Or is it only really love when both people agree that they are "in love," and willing to do whatever it takes to preserve such an amazing occurance? When you consider the odds that the person you love actually loves you back, and that one of you is willing to say it... well, it's staggering just how unlikely that is compared with the heartbreak that occurs nearly every single hour of every day. From some pigtailed girl circling "No," to the wife who can't take not loving her husband anymore and leaves him... it seems that love is doomed almost from the start. Maybe it's better never to have loved at all, if the end of the road is so much more likely to end in pain.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me,
Baby don't hurt me,
No more.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
State of the Union (My 51st post!)
My fellow bloggers, I come to you today to talk about the state of affairs in this great blog of ours. (listening to: "Give Judy My Notice" by Ben Folds. *great song*)
Well, folks. Here we are, towards the end of January of 2006, nearly halfway through my golden year (which I'm told is either the best year of your life, or your worst), and where are we at? Well, let's take a look at the numbers.
I'm still working here at the office, making this job officially the longest I've ever worked for one company without a hiatus. It's not horrible. The people are great, and the job is settling into a routine that's somewhat comforting. It's difficult to work here sometimes, what with all the problems and the yelling customers and the demands on us all the time, and not to mention the small population of co-workers who secretly hate me for bringing escalated Nerf warfare to the maze of cubes. But, it's a great paycheck, and I seem to be pretty good at it, so... I'll probably stick around awhile. See what happens. Y'know. 'Cause I got nothing better to do. :)
Tonight is my penultimate performance of We Gotta Bingo. I'm going to miss it. The cast I've worked with forever has been SO great (and bitchy about me leaving them), that it's going to be tough not going back there 4x a week. But, I think I've come to a point where I need to get things back in order, and while the money's great, I lose so much of my young life there in a tiny, thankless role that I just can't do it anymore. Bingo, you've been good to me, but this rambler's got to get ramblin'.
With the close of Bingo, I'm preparing to head back to Comedy Sportz, a world I only tasted briefly before being thrown back into the world of theatre. And, oh, how I miss it. Short-form improv is what I "grew up" on, and while Long-form is my true love, sometimes you gotta spend time with the mistress. My heart belongs to CSz, and soon I'll be back with a bullet.
The one-acts went pretty well at CHS. We had a bit of trouble with an actor's parents pulling him out of a student-directed show due to content, and so that show was unable to showcase their final performance. I felt really bad for them. They worked very hard, and the show was pretty decent. These things happen, I guess.
BOY, did I get an earful from the mother, though. She thought it fitting to exercise her moral imperative on me and the rest of the one-act audience, and demanded that all questionable material be removed. We compromised and determined that a warning should be given that some of the shows be assigned a "PG-13" rating (something I admittedly should have done at the beginning). And now all that's left is our regional competition this weekend in Albertville. If you're bored, we're scheduled at 1:50pm at St. Michael-Albertville HS, and the show is really, really good. I'm so proud of the students. They've done such a good job with so little from me as I've been able to give them due to the previous two paragraphs, that I'm amazed this thing came together at all. A real testament to them.
Acting has been very good to me this year. After performing a HORRIBLE show at the Brave New Workshop (not their fault, it was part of the summer series, and the script was.. well, I'm sure if we could have found the thing, it would have been good), Everything kind of flew in. I met a talented actor doing Bingo, and I think that we're going to eventually do some more theatre together. If you have a chance to see Charles Hubbell on stage or on film, I recommend the experience. He likes Serenity, so he can't be all that bad. He's kind of kicked me in the ass to get new headshots and get an agent (something I've never wanted, but he convinced me that it would be a good idea), so we'll see how all that turns out in the coming weeks. I imagine I'll have a digital image to post up here relatively soon.
I'd like to take a brief paragraph here to talk about my faith. I'm not a church-goer. I'll admit it. I've never liked going, and I've never gotten the charge out of it that others may find there. Sometimes it's less of a chore than others, and I've actually been to some really amazing services with Daisy, but... it's just not something that lights me up. That being said, I DO believe and have a relationship with God. I rely on Him daily (especially lately.. more on that to come), and I know that He's got my back. He's a good guy to have in your corner, and I feel that while I can always get closer to Him, at the moment, things seem ok. I'm not sure He's driving my life as he should, but he's working the gas pedals while I steer. It's a good first step.
My brother is in Iraq, fighting for... well, I'm not really sure what he's fighting for, but he's there. He'll be fine. He's on some Air force base in the desert, and I've told him that I expect to be given some glass made from the jet engines burning the sand out there. If he comes back without it, I'm not going to be best man in his wedding. There. I said it. (yeah. he's getting married. little bastard is 3.5 years younger than me, and he found an amazing girl who loves him. jerk.)
Personally, it's been a very rough few months. I met a girl doing We Gotta Bingo, and we seemed to hit it off rather well. I gave her my number but, as is often the case, she hasn't called. I don't imagine she will, since it's been over a week now, but... it was good to imagine myself back out there.
My best friend and I are going through some very rough times. As some of you know, she's gotten herself a boyfriend in November, and I haven't seen much of her since then. The guy is decent, as far as I can tell, and I've got nothing against him personally, besides the obvious. :) He's good for her, forcing her out of her shell, and I hope that he's bringing out a new aspect to her that I wasn't able to. She deserves to be happy, and I wish them all the best.
That being said, I miss her. A lot. I miss the time we spent together constantly, and the closeness we had. It may be bad form to write all this down here, but it's a State of the Union, and my union is very lonely. I know she's happy where she is, and that should make me happy for her, but it doesn't. And I wish I could be a better friend to her in that respect. I really do.
On a related note, My buddy Leachate and I are spending more time together, and finding that for some reason unknown to the two of us, we're still friends. We disagree on nearly everything, and never miss an opportunity to bitch each other out, but it's all in good humor, and he's the oldest friend I have (in terms of length of friendship, not chronological age). He's a pretty good WoW player, and I think we're creating something there that is beginning to take off. I'd get into it here, but it's nerdy, and I've exposed enough of my nerd nerve already on here.
All in all, it's not the best year of my life, but it's really not the worst either (despite how I may act at times. I have a little hope left that things will turn around). What is the state of this union? It's a lot like the state of our actual union. We're broken, trying to stop the bleeding, and there's a lot of internal struggle. But somehow, we find a way to keep going. And with a little luck, and a lot of faith, we'll find our way through this tunnel to the light at the end of it.
God Bless you all, and let's hope for a great 2006.
Well, folks. Here we are, towards the end of January of 2006, nearly halfway through my golden year (which I'm told is either the best year of your life, or your worst), and where are we at? Well, let's take a look at the numbers.
I'm still working here at the office, making this job officially the longest I've ever worked for one company without a hiatus. It's not horrible. The people are great, and the job is settling into a routine that's somewhat comforting. It's difficult to work here sometimes, what with all the problems and the yelling customers and the demands on us all the time, and not to mention the small population of co-workers who secretly hate me for bringing escalated Nerf warfare to the maze of cubes. But, it's a great paycheck, and I seem to be pretty good at it, so... I'll probably stick around awhile. See what happens. Y'know. 'Cause I got nothing better to do. :)
Tonight is my penultimate performance of We Gotta Bingo. I'm going to miss it. The cast I've worked with forever has been SO great (and bitchy about me leaving them), that it's going to be tough not going back there 4x a week. But, I think I've come to a point where I need to get things back in order, and while the money's great, I lose so much of my young life there in a tiny, thankless role that I just can't do it anymore. Bingo, you've been good to me, but this rambler's got to get ramblin'.
With the close of Bingo, I'm preparing to head back to Comedy Sportz, a world I only tasted briefly before being thrown back into the world of theatre. And, oh, how I miss it. Short-form improv is what I "grew up" on, and while Long-form is my true love, sometimes you gotta spend time with the mistress. My heart belongs to CSz, and soon I'll be back with a bullet.
The one-acts went pretty well at CHS. We had a bit of trouble with an actor's parents pulling him out of a student-directed show due to content, and so that show was unable to showcase their final performance. I felt really bad for them. They worked very hard, and the show was pretty decent. These things happen, I guess.
BOY, did I get an earful from the mother, though. She thought it fitting to exercise her moral imperative on me and the rest of the one-act audience, and demanded that all questionable material be removed. We compromised and determined that a warning should be given that some of the shows be assigned a "PG-13" rating (something I admittedly should have done at the beginning). And now all that's left is our regional competition this weekend in Albertville. If you're bored, we're scheduled at 1:50pm at St. Michael-Albertville HS, and the show is really, really good. I'm so proud of the students. They've done such a good job with so little from me as I've been able to give them due to the previous two paragraphs, that I'm amazed this thing came together at all. A real testament to them.
Acting has been very good to me this year. After performing a HORRIBLE show at the Brave New Workshop (not their fault, it was part of the summer series, and the script was.. well, I'm sure if we could have found the thing, it would have been good), Everything kind of flew in. I met a talented actor doing Bingo, and I think that we're going to eventually do some more theatre together. If you have a chance to see Charles Hubbell on stage or on film, I recommend the experience. He likes Serenity, so he can't be all that bad. He's kind of kicked me in the ass to get new headshots and get an agent (something I've never wanted, but he convinced me that it would be a good idea), so we'll see how all that turns out in the coming weeks. I imagine I'll have a digital image to post up here relatively soon.
I'd like to take a brief paragraph here to talk about my faith. I'm not a church-goer. I'll admit it. I've never liked going, and I've never gotten the charge out of it that others may find there. Sometimes it's less of a chore than others, and I've actually been to some really amazing services with Daisy, but... it's just not something that lights me up. That being said, I DO believe and have a relationship with God. I rely on Him daily (especially lately.. more on that to come), and I know that He's got my back. He's a good guy to have in your corner, and I feel that while I can always get closer to Him, at the moment, things seem ok. I'm not sure He's driving my life as he should, but he's working the gas pedals while I steer. It's a good first step.
My brother is in Iraq, fighting for... well, I'm not really sure what he's fighting for, but he's there. He'll be fine. He's on some Air force base in the desert, and I've told him that I expect to be given some glass made from the jet engines burning the sand out there. If he comes back without it, I'm not going to be best man in his wedding. There. I said it. (yeah. he's getting married. little bastard is 3.5 years younger than me, and he found an amazing girl who loves him. jerk.)
Personally, it's been a very rough few months. I met a girl doing We Gotta Bingo, and we seemed to hit it off rather well. I gave her my number but, as is often the case, she hasn't called. I don't imagine she will, since it's been over a week now, but... it was good to imagine myself back out there.
My best friend and I are going through some very rough times. As some of you know, she's gotten herself a boyfriend in November, and I haven't seen much of her since then. The guy is decent, as far as I can tell, and I've got nothing against him personally, besides the obvious. :) He's good for her, forcing her out of her shell, and I hope that he's bringing out a new aspect to her that I wasn't able to. She deserves to be happy, and I wish them all the best.
That being said, I miss her. A lot. I miss the time we spent together constantly, and the closeness we had. It may be bad form to write all this down here, but it's a State of the Union, and my union is very lonely. I know she's happy where she is, and that should make me happy for her, but it doesn't. And I wish I could be a better friend to her in that respect. I really do.
On a related note, My buddy Leachate and I are spending more time together, and finding that for some reason unknown to the two of us, we're still friends. We disagree on nearly everything, and never miss an opportunity to bitch each other out, but it's all in good humor, and he's the oldest friend I have (in terms of length of friendship, not chronological age). He's a pretty good WoW player, and I think we're creating something there that is beginning to take off. I'd get into it here, but it's nerdy, and I've exposed enough of my nerd nerve already on here.
All in all, it's not the best year of my life, but it's really not the worst either (despite how I may act at times. I have a little hope left that things will turn around). What is the state of this union? It's a lot like the state of our actual union. We're broken, trying to stop the bleeding, and there's a lot of internal struggle. But somehow, we find a way to keep going. And with a little luck, and a lot of faith, we'll find our way through this tunnel to the light at the end of it.
God Bless you all, and let's hope for a great 2006.
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