Thursday, October 19, 2006

Vegas, Baby

Vegas. (listening to: "A Little Less Conversation (a little more action)" by Elvis

Vegas. Year Two. Twice the fun at half the cost. Last year, the goal was to go to Vegas, and come back with enough money to buy an iPod. And I did. Right now, Vegas is my bitch to the tune of $300 or so. This year, the stakes are being raised.

I have a Wii preorder that needs paying for as well as a FEW games coming out very soon that need paying for. Let's break it down.

Nintendo Wii - $250
Red Steel - $50
Final Fantasy XII - $60
Guitar Hero 2 - $80
TOTAL: $440
- Money already spent preordering
= $375.

Let's round it up to an even figure and let's make it $400. I'm going to take $400 off of Vegas this year, and be in gaming bliss because of it.

In other news, I've got a PR shoot tonight for The Mousetrap. That's right, for those of you out there who get PR shill from TRP, you're going to see my ugly mug on your postcards. In advance, I'm sorry. But, it's great publicity for me, so I'll take it. With happiness.

So, blogger denizens, I apologize if this is the last update for a week or so, I promise to write more when I'm richer. In both life and cash. That is all.


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