Sunday, February 19, 2006

Three-Day Weekend, and Turning Over a New Leaf

Time for a new beginning. (listening to: "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd)

So.. how's everyone been? Good? Excellent.

I find myself at the end of a three-day weekend, and so much has happened in these three tiny days, I stagger at the weight of it.

First of all, if you have the means, and are in the area, go see Daisy's Show. It's pretty good, and if you're into old-school melodrama with a dash of audience interaction, I think you'll love it. She's fantastic in it, but this should come as no surprise to anyone who knows her. It's showing at the Bloomington Civic Theatre's Black box, (you'll have to check out City Pages web site -> calendar -> theatre for times and prices. The BCT website doesn't list it. Go. Right now.)

On top of that, it's just been insanity. I don't really want to get into it here, but it's the end of a very long era, and while I'm still in shock from it ending quite so suddenly, I'm hoping it brings happiness and relief to those involved. And.. that's all I really have to say about it. I'm sorry.

On a sidenote, I've been spending more time lately going over some of my old college religion texts. I really miss pounding through them. I'm going to take a piece of my bonus check at work, and go buy some more. Going through one of them in particular really awoke in me something I've been missing, and it's spurred me to a rather interesting decision: I'm going to go back to teaching confirmation.

The lutheran faith has this cute little "ceremony" that teenagers go through where they study the faith, and in a couple years, they go through "confirmation," which basically means they accept and re-confirm their baptism. I used to teach this when I was in High School with my oldest friend Dan, and I'd forgotten why I did it. I want to get back into going to church and getting people to actually THINK about their faith, rather than just blindly singing hymns and going through the motions. Maybe in this I'll find some peace to offset the chaos of late. Who knows, it'll be worth it no matter what. To be part of someone's faith again... I miss that.

So, I've sent out e-mails to a couple of the churches nearby me, and let them know my background, and my philosophy on faith. If they bite, awesome. If they're afraid of it, then I'll move on.

All in all, I'm sad, confused, and desperately wishing I knew what to say to make things better. But maybe I just need to start climbing out of the cave where I've been watching these fake-ass reflections of life and actually start living my own.

God be with me.

EDIT: Quoting-- "The intelligent design movement belittles God. It makes God a designer, an engineer," said Vatican Observatory Director George Coyne, an astrophysicist who is also ordained. "The God of religious faith is a god of love. He did not design me."

It's idiotic stuff like this that makes intelligent christians the source of mockery everywhere. God did not design you? Who are YOU to tell God what he did and did not do! *rage*

1 comment:

Ang said...

god be with you is right. i dont want us to never be friends again nick. lord knows i dont wish that on us at all. but i just dont know what to do with all this stuff we are in right now. i can't make you happy and you try too hard to make me happy. its a terrible struggle between the two of us. i dont know what to do. i know everything i've done in the past has not worked .. maybe you just need a break from me. i'm so proud of you goign to back to the church to teach. i think that is a wonderful choice and will bring you much reflection and self worth :)
that's so awesome.