Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Maiden Voyage

Greetings, Salutations, Welcome. (listening to: VHS or BETA, "Solid Gold")

So, after having been motivated by a close friend of mine who owns a blog on this site (Now, where did I put that link... Oh, no.. wait... there it is: inch-deep ), I have decided that my life is also of such importance that I can no longer keep it to myself. I've never been good at journaling, but I decided that in order to try and keep a record of just what the hell I'm doing with this life I've been given, I should probably keep a record, if for no other reason than to show just how little I do.

A little bit about me before we begin. I tend to be a little melodramatic about certain things in my life, and my closest friends will most assuredly agree with this. Not to worry though, this trait will no doubt give that little extra... je ne sais quoi to my blog. Also, I have decided to give aliases to my friends to avoid them the embarrassment of being referred to directly in what will most likely be glowing speeches of their brilliance or scathing denouncements of their foibles. All done in love, of course, but if you're reading this and you know me personally, please e-mail me with your preferred moniker.

Also, I currently pay my bills with the blood money paid to me by video gamers for the service of providing them with their chosen crack: compact discs with interactive content. So, I plan on treating you all to stories of some of my more... shall we say... "special" customers. Also, I play many of these games myself, so if any of you out there fancy themselves gamers, you're welcome to e-mail me challenges via XBox Live (handle: Madjai) or Good Ol' Fashioned "Beat my score" rags.

I think that'll give you a pretty good bead on what to expect from this. If there's a service that I can provide for you all, please feel free to comment or e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Enjoy your non-blogged lives, blog-readers. I'm out.

1 comment:

jeremyorion said...

Vaulted is a dick.

Glad your blogging if I don't talk to you often enough to know whats up anyway.

Get the inch-deep shit off. =)

I'm tired, so...
