Hee hee!!! Look! It's TC Bear! Go Twins!
Last night's Twins game was amazing, BTW, for those of you who missed it. Justin Morneau is a God among men. This is true. But enough about baseball. It's all I blog about lately. What else...
I had a callback for Cub Foods yesterday that went smashingly. They're looking to hire someone to be their new radio spokesperson, and I managed to get a callback. I riffed with one of the ad agency guys for five minutes about ribs. It was entertaining. Hopefully that will work out. It'd be nice to have people hear me on the radio. :)
There's a topic that's been on my mind lately. I'd like to hear your thoughts. I know more than a few people who are really judgmental towards others who claim to be of a certain religion and yet do not attend services for that religion. Why is this? Does going to a church and being there for an hour every week somehow make you a better Catholic/Christian/Jew/Etc? I don't attend organized services because every time I find a church that I think that I like, they end up having some sort of strange philosophy that I don't agree with. Whereas living spiritually every day, constantly conversing with God (No, he doesn't talk back), I ascribe to a "religion" that perfectly encompasses my relationship with God. Jesus himself said (apologies to those whose religions don't include Yahweh, but I'm quoting for a purpose here)
And when you pray, do not pray like the two-faced (closer translation is "hypocrites), for they love to pray standing in the worship centers and on the corners of the streets, so they can be seen by people. Amen! I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, enter into your private room, then after you have shut your door, pray to your Lord in secret. And your Lord who sees all secrets shall reward you in the open. When you pray, do not perform useless repetitions, as the pagans do. They are deceived into thinking they will be heard due to the amount of their speech. In no way act like the pagans, for your Lord knows what you need before you ask Him.
-Matthew 6
Kinda puts that whole "Platitudes" thing into sharp relief, don't it? Clearly, I have my own opinions on this topic, and since It's my blog, I'll make them known, and I know for a fact that some who read this blog don't agree with me on this topic. Speak up. I won't judge you. Convince me.
In other news, I owe the IRS about $1,300 in back taxes. How cool am I? Bet you all wish you had helped me buy the Ecto1 now, don't you? Yes, I thought so.
Big weekend ahead. I can't talk about it here though, eyes are watching....
I am 100% in agreement with you. I would like to believe that faith is what you make it. You can be a DEEPLY spiritual person and never go to church once in your life. Nuff said.
I think the problem is with the distinction between spirituality and religion. Religion, although not defined explicitly as such, is generally considered as a set of beliefs that people hold as a group. I'm not Christian, but I do remember something in the Bible that references the importance of worshipping as a community/group. This is the reason, in my estimation, that so many will have a problem with your solo approach to Christianity. Even outside of Christianity, religion throughout history has traditionally been a social institution.
Spirituality can be any number of things - social or individual, "religion" or something not-quite-religion.
That being said, I dont think that Christianity is necessarily contrary to individual worship. However, I think that MOST Christians probably do not agree with their church 100% of the time. What matters, I would think, is whether the fundamentals are agreed upon.
So, there is my secular opinion on the matter.
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