Monday, September 18, 2006

Three Down...

Three to go. (listening to: ringing of party in my ears)

Sitting around our hotel room last night, it became clear to The Family(r) that we only see each other when one of us gets married. This quickly turned into a pseudo-shouting match about those of us who don't travel to see the others very often, and Zoltan quickly suggested that the six of us and our "Better halves and/or special guests" take an all-inclusive trip to sunny Cancun sometime.

To me, this sounds fantastic. I'm thinking sometime between Christmas and New Year's. Maybe be IN Cancun for New Year's? Anyone?

The title of this post refers to the fact that fully half of The Family(r) is now married. In the interests of both anonymity and humor, I've created/borrowed the following pseudonyms for the original founding members of The Family(r) and their counterparts, purely for record-keeping purposes:
The Madjai (currently unmarried)
El Scorcho (currently unmarried)
Zoltan and his wife (and original family member) D-lightful
Biggy and his wife EttAli
Lawful and his wife Schoolmarm Red
Roxtar (currently unmarried)

Consider this the guest list for the trip, kids. Those of you unmarried- choose your +1, or just bring your alcoholism.


KR said...

I already bought a new swimsuit and some sunscreen. I'm all ready to go!

Chuck Carlson said...

can we bring our wives and our alcoholism? Or is this extra?

The Madjai said...

Only if your wives ARE your alcoholism.

Angela Rachelle said...

Cancun sounds GREAT!! ;)
jk. but do have a few and by a few, i mean a FEW, pina coladas for me :) Toast to the South Dakota weather and the blizzardy skies. They'll be saying hello to y'all :) Perhaps then you can stop up to L.A. on your way back and say hello.
or maybe not.
hope you are well.
take care of yourself.

jeremyorion said...

can I bring two alcoholisms? you know me - if I bring just one I'll get bored and start hitting on some other guys alcoholism

Chuck Carlson said...

walker! damn that's funny. I am obviously not trying to make friends here, but (coming from no small ego) at some point the pretentiousness of signing with 'me' has got to wear thin on other people. I mean even Erkel's lines weren't everlasting.

jeremyorion said...

glad you liked that Chuck...If I'm doing anything this semester its owning up to my own flaws... its rather liberating.

me (too?).