Saturday, November 12, 2005

Back by Popular Demand...

Well... Can't disappoint the fans. (listening to the first 30s of Cochise. over and over and over and over and over...)

So, I guess I should probably explain. While there were only two comments on my ending post clamoring for my return, I got a few IMs and E-Mails on the subject, so.. I'm back.

My life has been kind of thrown into upheaveal (sp? that doesn't look right) in the last couple weeks with some incredible personal life stuff that I didn't think would ever happen, but has. So, I've been dealing with all of that and I'm just starting to realize that it might be for the best. (Not personally "best," but.. overall.) So, that and my lack of free time is what made me bring the blog to a close. However, Phoenix-like, I have risen from the ashes, born anew. And I hope that this resurrection will bring about many more in my life that are desperately needed.

Alright. Enough of the emo crap. Let's get down to business. And the business is this...


So, I spent $69.99 last night on this "game" for my PS2, and I have to say that if you read any reviews for this game, they are all grossly understating the awesomeness of this game. As many of my friends (see panel on right for links to their blogs) will tell you, The Madjai has no rhythm. At all. None. But, Guitar Hero allows even those with no music to shred on the axe like you're all strung out on coke and warm beer. I played for THREE HOURS last night, and got up this morning, had a pumpkin bar, and played again for another two hours. This game is SO great, I can't even begin to describe how hard it rocks. It's been overused in reference to this game, but it really does go up to 11. Come over and check it out if you can, or... go buy it yourself if you have a PS2. If you buy it and don't like it, I'll personally buy the extra guitar controller from you. Seriously.

In other news, My Bingo Show is going incredibly well. We had a couple of crowds that were less that desirable, but everyone had a good time, and the cast is really starting to get used to haveing me around. ;) Which is nice, considering my major responsibilities include making sure each table has something to eat, and making sure Helmut doesn't leave anything on the stage that he might need later. It's a good way to earn the money I make, but I wish I could have my weekends back to myself. I'm halfway convinced that this show was the cause of the first paragraph... but it might not have been. Well, I won't ever know for sure, so.. why bother fretting over it.

If you're in the Twin Cities area, and would like to come see the show, please let me know and I'll see what I can do for you.

That's about it. I'll try and keep up with y'all.

Rave on, Rave on.

1 comment:

jeremyorion said...

Please let me play? Please? I'll be in the cities for best be getting ready to let me play...
