Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Relaxing Weekend

Boy... I didn't do S#!^ at all all weekend. For the love of... (listening to "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus)

So.. Far be it from me to call MYSELF a lame-ass. But.. seriously. You've got to hear this. About two months ago, a buddy of mine from work went and planted trees along the Mississippi river gorge to help out the enviroment... or something. Really, the only reason we were there was to win White Stripes tickets. Which we did. This weekend. However. I, being the super-genius that I am wrote down on my calendar that the concert was Saturday, when in actuality.... Friday. Yeehaw for the bonehead society.

So, yeah.. no concert. Instead, I played poker at a local bar on Friday, cleaned my apartment and saw Comedy Sportz on Saturday and hung out around the house and hung out with Ender all day today. *sigh*

Somebody, anybody, please save me from myself. On a higher note, when spending copious amounts of time alone, you get to find interesting websites. I've never been a huge fan of the online "find your match" quizzes, but I found one that was really strange. Caught my eye. I think it works on numerology and something else with the birthdate, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Anyway, it's a pretty accurate "crush" test. Basically, you give it your name, and answer the questions, and it spits out a short little synopsis of your dating and crush tendencies. Kinda neat. Here's the link:
Click Me

Let me know if you can figure it out. Until next time!


nobody's starling said...

i hate you

jeremyorion said...
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jeremyorion said...

Meh, nothin you didn't already know...

I would like to point out that I, despite two warning comments, was still fooled...