Thursday, March 17, 2005

What's that, Mr. Trump? I'm... HIRED?!?!?

That's right, kids. (listening to the In Good Company Soundtrack)

Today marks T-14 days until I am no longer employed at the retail store that has owned my soul for the last 9 months. I now (as of April 1) work for a company in St. Louis Park, MN as a tech support specialist. I can't go too much into what I do, mostly because I'm kinda fuzzy on it myself, but the best part is that I no longer will work weekends. Nor will I work nights. And they're paying just about TWICE as much as I make now. So.. soon I will make the much-needed addition of a bubble hockey machine to my condo. :)

I'm so happy, I can't even tell you. Thank to everyone who believed that I would get the job. You were all right.

PS- I'm rich.


jeremyorion said...

Congrats again, my friend.

good call on the hockey machine. thats pretty original. you also need a pinball machine.

or you could pay off student loans..but whatev. =)

nobody's starling said...

congrats nick!

(but i believe it's: "i'm rich, biatch!")

jeremyorion said...

quote by c. wika:

"congrats nick!

(but i believe it's: "i'm rich, biatch!")"

HAHA...yeah! Then you need to add the air horn noise.

*still laughing*

Ang said...

i told you you had nothing to worry about. congrats.