Friday, March 04, 2005

The smaller things in life

What's better than Sportscenter and a peanut butter sandwich? (Listening to: "The Complex," Blue Man Group)

Watching sportscenter in the living room of your new apartment in which there is no furniture. Eating a peanut butter sandwich because there's no other food in the fridge. Literally folks, I'm sitting here leaning up against a wall in my new place with the TV on to ESPN, all of my gaming devices hooked up, my laptop on my lap (as its name implies) and the remains of a peanut butter sandwich with wonder bread on my shirt. I thought I would take this moment to say that it is, truly, the small things in life that make you happy.

Yes, I may not have anything to sit on besides the carpet. True, if I'm still hungry the only thing I have is more peanut butter.. but you know what? I'm in MY apartment. And I just might go out on my deck and enjoy this gorgeous weather we're having. And you know what? After Sportscenter is over.. I may just watch the season 1 finale of Buffy on DVD. And then take a shower. Yeah. That's right. I said it.

1 comment:

Anonymous Poet said...

Woo hoo! You go! Rock on! And, best of all, your mom can't tell you when to go to bed, either!