Wednesday, March 30, 2005

God has a face

And it is smiling. Right now. (listening to: a thunderstorm)

So, I wake up this morning to the sound of thunder rolling and my window vibrating with the sound, and I jump up and run to my living room like a kid on Christmas morning. (Or saturday morning, if you don't happen to celebrate christmas) There is the most spectacular thunderstorm going on here right now, and out my northward-facing window, I have a clear view of everything. The rain is falling in sheets on my deck, the lightning lights up the morning sky, and the thunder crackles and growls as I sit in the comfort of my room, watching it all, knowing that God is happy with me, and sends me his greetings.

So, I put on some coffee to complete the moment, and the rain slows to a mild trickle, and the time between lightning and thunder grows more spacious. And I feel a little sad; I feel like someone I've known for a long time, and just getting to know again is leaving. But I take heart knowing that I'm here. With my laptop, my coffee, and my memory of the storm, I take heart knowing that another will come. And I'll be ready for it.

I raise my cup to the window and say, "Thanks for stopping by. See you again soon."


nobody's starling said...

that same thunderstorm visited me last night.

now, i would usually berate you for being sappy and overly optimistic--but i just spent two hours guzzling wine and crying at Bridget Jones's Diary part deux--and thus have lost my credibility. so....yeah. there's that.


p.s. why am i not listed in your blogging community, she asks.

The Madjai said...

An oversight on my part, I assure you. It has been remedied. My apologies.

Ang said...

i too woke up to the glorious sight of it all. I came to blog on it yesterday morning when i awoke, but my blog wasn't working properly. I woke up though, to the sight of the oncoming storm. The dark menacing clouds just a distance away from my window, teasing me with its view. Minutes later, the storm knocked on my door. It was beautiful. And minutes after that, it knocked out my electricity :)
Spring is here.
I am so happy for that.

jeremyorion said...
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jeremyorion said...

I was not blessed with this storm, despite the weatherman's assurance that I would be. =(

Now, Toledo is normally a rainy/cloudy city. This just goes to prove the fact that Toledo is void of all joy, because it forces even the cool storms to become gray, overcast drizzle-fests that aren't quite depressing enough to cause the populace to start loading their guns and tying their nooses.

No, I'm not bitter about missing this storm at ALL.

Erika said...

What a lovely narrative. :) Storms should be developing in my area of the country soon here (we just got past a rough snowstorm) and I can't wait. :) I understand how enthralling and invigorating that they are!