Wednesday, March 09, 2005

And Triteness Kicks Us in the Nads

Bear with me as we get through this one, I've got thoughts all over the map today. (listening to "Poor Places" by Wilco)

trite adj.:
1. Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.

The title quote for this blog comes from last night's episode of one of two of my new favorite TV shows- House, MD. (the other being the aforementioned Buffy) JWalker commented to me that the titular character has some really good lines, and knowing how much I like medical drama, he suggested I take a look. So, I watch some last night. Boy... would I love to have a team of writers follow me around. Here's my latest theory on the raising of the bar of humor and relationships: Televsion is killing the average funny person.

Shows like Friends, Scrubs, House MD and the ilk with their teams of writers and well-written pithy comebacks and pre-arranged situations (who puts an MP3 player in their rectum?) are destroying any chance the average Madjai has of being considered funny! I can't come up with a witty one-liner with literary allusion and reference to something three scenes ago in the comic timing it takes Matthew Perry to deliver the same. I can't personify a pill that I found under my desk with the same dry, sing-song nature as the vicodin-addicted House. But the people who watch these shows and then interact with me during my daily life are so used to the lightning quick erudite humor that my slapdash best effort of "I only do things that end in 'og' today" (because I was writing in my blog and making a hot dog) just merits a stunned silence from the person on the other end of the phone. In order to be considered funny, I've decided that if Tina Fey is reading this, I will pay you $100 a joke to come and write for me. We'll figure out some sort of radio-wave earwig thing. It'll be cool. Trust me.

In other news...

The job interview went well. Thanks to all for their wishes of good luck. Hopefully I'll know by next Wednesday if I'm the newest member of the Epicor team. If I'm hired, I'm taking people out to Old Chicago for beers and pizza. The sign-up list can be found here. A nice, steady M-F job working 8-5 or 9-6 with no weekends at twice as much as I'm making now would go a long way towards settling my financial difficulties of late. So, keep me in your prayers, all.

And, finally....

I'm becoming bored with Video Games. Yes, I said it. But I don't think that it means what you think it means. See, the deal is this: I have so many games that are so GOOD, and that I have started, but left unfinished, that the whole process of choosing one at the expense of the others becomes daunting. Should I play RE4? but then... Suikoden IV gets left behind, as does Xenosaga II. And I really want to play FFVII again, and begin Star Ocean: The second story. But, there isn't enough time in the day, and so I just languish in my nothingness and watch ESPN and G4 TV.


I just re-read that paragraph and realized that I may in fact be the world's biggest dork. Sigh. Ah well.. embrace what you are and let no man put that asunder. (cwika- did that makes sense? I mean.. not in a normal flow sort of way, but in a poetic, Ooh-I'm-going-to-send-that-to-Bartlett's sort of way)

In any event, those are the tales of today. Tomorrow who knows? Maybe the breakfast cereal variety pack?


nobody's starling said...

the video game paragraph made me sad for you.


i believe "that" is unnecessary in the "let no man put asunder."


The Madjai said...

I always thought it was how big your breasts/penis are/is. Hrmm. No wonder.

Ang said...

i feel like pancakes. How about you?