is covered by my insurance. (listening to "Same Old Thing" by The Streets)
So... my efforts to fully avoid any sort of dentistry ends after a stretch of about 6 years. Hutt-ah.
I'm going to be four teeth dumber as of tomorrow morning. That's right, bloggites. On July the first at 9am, I'm having my wisdom teeth removed forcibly from my jaw. One of them has been giving me quite the bad time recently, and so I'm not going to take any more of its guff. Wisdy, you're cut from the team.
I went to the dentist today to get my referral to the Oral Surgeon (which just sounds dirty to me. Don't ask why.) and the x-rays of my offending tooth is actually quite humorous. Apparently the term "wisdom tooth" is a bit of a misnomer, since the other, less-wise teeth had no problem coming in parallel to their neighbors. Unlike our friend Wisdy, which apparently was dropped on its little tooth head when it was small. 45 degrees is not straight, Wisdy! Get your S together. What a buzzkill.
Anyway, I'm slightly nervous regarding tomorrow's procedure. They asked if I wanted to be awake for the "extraction" tomorrow, and I said to myself, "You know, in spite of the fact that there will probably be little 'pain,' (novocaine is my friend) I really don't think I want the memory of four large teeth being ripped from my jaw to haunt me. In fact, if possible, can I be allowed to wake up next wednesday sometime?" So, I'll be unconscious while they tear into my jawbone, thankyouverymuch.
Those of you who are the praying type, please feel free to genuflect with me in mind this evening. Those of you who aren't, raise a glass to my health tomorrow morning. Here's hoping I wake up from the drug-induced coma. If not, whoever's in charge of my estate please keep in mind that whoever can write the best one-page essay about how great I was can have first dibs on my stuff.
That is all.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
June 18, 2005
A day that shall live forever in time. (listening to: "Good Times" by the Counting Crows)
*insert fanfare and ticker tape parade*
Folks, I want everyone to know that I am having the numbers 6-18-05 tattooed on each arm so that I shall never forget what happened on this day. What could be so great, you ask? Well... allow me to link. but, first... for drama's sake, I'm going to insert a bunch of br tags so that the image below isn't shown until you've read this. And now... Scroll down.

Sweet mother of God, life is tasty again!!!
*insert angelic choir*
As I sat in my lonely... oh how lonely... apartment on Saturday morning, I felt hungry. So, I went to the kitchen. Snacks only. No "Food." So, I went to go buy food. Now, ordinarily, my grocer of choice is Super Target(r). They have sushi in the deli, and the most amazing peasant bread you've ever dipped in oil. But, something... something I would come to understand later as Divine Intervention (Do you know what divine intervention means, Vincent?) called me to Cub Foods. So, I made my way to the home of the bumper stickers I hate ever so much (I (h) my Cub??? *puke*). Once there, I ran into an old friend I have not seen in months, and thought, "My. fancy that. How odd." Then... as is my routine in every grocery store I visit since my junior year of high school.. straight to the frozen treats section to seek out the above yumminess. And there.... glowing in freakish, pure, radiant angelic light.... were the pops. Exactly as I remember them (though.. strangely more phallic shaped than they once were). I did a disco dance of happiness (you really should have seen that) and let out my high pitched shriek of happiness that only few people have ever heard. Ask them. It's quite the scene. I ran to a nearby grocery shopper and exclaimed, "Did you know!?!? Can you see!??! They're back!!!" After apologizing and talking them out of a very possible assault charge, I regained what composure is possible after a childhood wish is fulfilled.
I called as many people as I could that day to inform them of the good news. I felt very much like the archangel Gabriel. "Fear not, fair citizens! For I bring great tidings of glad joy. Today, re-born unto you in the city of Apple Valley is a dessert. A dessert unlike any other. And you shall call them Pudding Pops."
*insert fanfare and ticker tape parade*
Folks, I want everyone to know that I am having the numbers 6-18-05 tattooed on each arm so that I shall never forget what happened on this day. What could be so great, you ask? Well... allow me to link. but, first... for drama's sake, I'm going to insert a bunch of br tags so that the image below isn't shown until you've read this. And now... Scroll down.
Sweet mother of God, life is tasty again!!!
*insert angelic choir*
As I sat in my lonely... oh how lonely... apartment on Saturday morning, I felt hungry. So, I went to the kitchen. Snacks only. No "Food." So, I went to go buy food. Now, ordinarily, my grocer of choice is Super Target(r). They have sushi in the deli, and the most amazing peasant bread you've ever dipped in oil. But, something... something I would come to understand later as Divine Intervention (Do you know what divine intervention means, Vincent?) called me to Cub Foods. So, I made my way to the home of the bumper stickers I hate ever so much (I (h) my Cub??? *puke*). Once there, I ran into an old friend I have not seen in months, and thought, "My. fancy that. How odd." Then... as is my routine in every grocery store I visit since my junior year of high school.. straight to the frozen treats section to seek out the above yumminess. And there.... glowing in freakish, pure, radiant angelic light.... were the pops. Exactly as I remember them (though.. strangely more phallic shaped than they once were). I did a disco dance of happiness (you really should have seen that) and let out my high pitched shriek of happiness that only few people have ever heard. Ask them. It's quite the scene. I ran to a nearby grocery shopper and exclaimed, "Did you know!?!? Can you see!??! They're back!!!" After apologizing and talking them out of a very possible assault charge, I regained what composure is possible after a childhood wish is fulfilled.
I called as many people as I could that day to inform them of the good news. I felt very much like the archangel Gabriel. "Fear not, fair citizens! For I bring great tidings of glad joy. Today, re-born unto you in the city of Apple Valley is a dessert. A dessert unlike any other. And you shall call them Pudding Pops."
Sunday, June 05, 2005
15 Things
Inspiration from Daisy's blog, part one. (listening to "Turn Me On," Norah Jones)
So, Daisy has posed the thought of compiling a list of 15 things you look for in finding a potential mate. While this can be limiting in the manner that if you have a specific list of things that you look for when looking for someone, you're likely to miss someone great who may not "fit the bill," I think it's important to know where to start from. In that vein, here's my impromptu list. Let's begin, in no particular order.
1) Conversationalist. Any good relationship should begin with the ability to converse on a deeper level than "Fire bad, tree pretty."
2) Trusting. While trust must be earned, and that comes not easily, the ability to have faith in someone, and know that you can always count on them is integral to any good relationship.
3) Likes skinny guys. I, myself am skinny. So, liking that would be near the top of the list.
4) Tolerant. I think this point pretty much speaks for itself. While I'm not a big fan of the word itself (holds connotations of grudging acceptance, rather than true admiration), the spirit of acceptance of differences is a big deal for me.
5) Forgiving. I F up. More than my fair share. And forgiveness following my contriteness... necessary.
6) Accountability. The ability to hold both herself and myself accoutable for mistakes and successes kinda flows hand in hand with Forgiveness. Only after we've accepted the fact that we've F'ed up, can we be forgiven for it.
7) Attractiveness. Call me shallow. I've got 15 things, and yeah, this is one of them.
8) Cuddly. I'm a physical person. I like to hold and be held.
9) Philosopher. Having thoughts and opinions on why we do the things we do and why things are the way they are reveals a sense of self-awareness and responsibility. Speaking of which...
10) Responsibility. When I worked for a children's theatre company, one of their core values was "Be impeccable with your word." Which, very simply, means if you say you're going to do something, do it. Responsibility is a grown up word for honesty, with a slight moral upgrade. And... at 23, I think I fall into that category (grown-up).
11) Experimental. I like trying new things, and I like people to try new things with me. Be it Skydiving or Sushi, come along for the ride.
12) Commitment. Things get tough. Good times come and go, and there are fights and hair-tearing-out moments. The ability to stick through that knowing that there's something underneath all of that not worth losing... well, that's the girl for me.
13) Humor. If this were an ordered list, this would probably be up a bit higher. What I lack in physical beauty, I make up for in mirth. Come and laugh with me.
14) Humility. We are what we are. And to recognize that we're all flawed people with things to learn from each other is the first step towards real intimacy.
15) Spiritual. Last and not AT ALL least. While we don't necessarily have to agree on the finer points of our respective faith-systems, to believe that a higher power guides us and watches over us hoping for the best... that's a big deal with me.
Anything I missed? Probably. But this is a good start. Think you fit the bill? Drop me a line. :)
So, Daisy has posed the thought of compiling a list of 15 things you look for in finding a potential mate. While this can be limiting in the manner that if you have a specific list of things that you look for when looking for someone, you're likely to miss someone great who may not "fit the bill," I think it's important to know where to start from. In that vein, here's my impromptu list. Let's begin, in no particular order.
1) Conversationalist. Any good relationship should begin with the ability to converse on a deeper level than "Fire bad, tree pretty."
2) Trusting. While trust must be earned, and that comes not easily, the ability to have faith in someone, and know that you can always count on them is integral to any good relationship.
3) Likes skinny guys. I, myself am skinny. So, liking that would be near the top of the list.
4) Tolerant. I think this point pretty much speaks for itself. While I'm not a big fan of the word itself (holds connotations of grudging acceptance, rather than true admiration), the spirit of acceptance of differences is a big deal for me.
5) Forgiving. I F up. More than my fair share. And forgiveness following my contriteness... necessary.
6) Accountability. The ability to hold both herself and myself accoutable for mistakes and successes kinda flows hand in hand with Forgiveness. Only after we've accepted the fact that we've F'ed up, can we be forgiven for it.
7) Attractiveness. Call me shallow. I've got 15 things, and yeah, this is one of them.
8) Cuddly. I'm a physical person. I like to hold and be held.
9) Philosopher. Having thoughts and opinions on why we do the things we do and why things are the way they are reveals a sense of self-awareness and responsibility. Speaking of which...
10) Responsibility. When I worked for a children's theatre company, one of their core values was "Be impeccable with your word." Which, very simply, means if you say you're going to do something, do it. Responsibility is a grown up word for honesty, with a slight moral upgrade. And... at 23, I think I fall into that category (grown-up).
11) Experimental. I like trying new things, and I like people to try new things with me. Be it Skydiving or Sushi, come along for the ride.
12) Commitment. Things get tough. Good times come and go, and there are fights and hair-tearing-out moments. The ability to stick through that knowing that there's something underneath all of that not worth losing... well, that's the girl for me.
13) Humor. If this were an ordered list, this would probably be up a bit higher. What I lack in physical beauty, I make up for in mirth. Come and laugh with me.
14) Humility. We are what we are. And to recognize that we're all flawed people with things to learn from each other is the first step towards real intimacy.
15) Spiritual. Last and not AT ALL least. While we don't necessarily have to agree on the finer points of our respective faith-systems, to believe that a higher power guides us and watches over us hoping for the best... that's a big deal with me.
Anything I missed? Probably. But this is a good start. Think you fit the bill? Drop me a line. :)
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